If you don’t have air conditioning, you really don’t have to spend a fortune to cool yourself during the hot summer months. You can make your own portable air conditioner that will perfectly cool any room that you are in at the time.
This little gem costs only about $8 and will really lower the temps in any room. Plus, it only takes about 10 minutes to build from start to finish.
You will need to pick up a Styrofoam cooler, which you can get at your local Dollar Store for around $4. You also need those little metal dryer vents which are around $2 each at most home improvement stores. Add to that an old fan and a few frozen water bottles and you’re ready to build your own portable A/C unit.
Once you have the unit built, which merely consists of cutting holes in the top of the cooler to insert the vents and the fan, you just fill it with frozen bottles of water and you’re ready to run it. You can keep plastic soda bottles and water bottles and fill them with water to freeze so you’re not out any extra for the actual cooling part.
Just load the cooler with the frozen water bottles and they will last from 3 to 6 hours. While you’re cooling, have another set of bottles freezing so you never have to be without cool air.
This is a great portable unit for single rooms so if you have trouble sleeping at night because the temperature in your bedroom is too high, just put together this cheap and very effective little portable unit and you’ll sleep like a baby in a cooler room.
Great idea! Approximately how often did you have yo use new ice packs??
Has anyone tried mounting the fan on the side instead of top? Cooler is taller than it is long and fan won't fit on top. thanks