Do you have a greenhouse? Do you know how great greenhouses are? If you don’t have one, and you don’t want to spend a small fortune buying one, I’ve got a great list of DIY greenhouses for you. I found 20 of the easiest and cheapest greenhouses that you will want to make right away. Many of these can be made with upcycled products like old windows and even old pallets. Whether you want a greenhouse to keep fresh vegetables all year around or you just want something to start your veggies early every spring, there is definitely a free greenhouse plan in here for you.
I love gardening, especially if it’s something that I can do all year. You can use these greenhouse plans to build a cheap and easy greenhouse for keeping fresh veggies and fruits on the table all year long. This is also a great way to get your little ones to eat their veggies. Get them in on your gardening – let them plant their own veggies and they can even help you to build your greenhouse. Since many of these use upcycled materials, they are basically free to build. And, you know how I love to upcycle. By the way, you should also take a look at these 30 backyard succulent gardens that you can build in a jiffy.These DIY greenhouses will definitely help you to keep fresh foods on the table. You can use them to start your spring plantings a bit early, which will save you tons of money since seeds are much cheaper than starter plants. And you will be amazed at what you can use to build your greenhouses. From trampolines…yes trampolines! wood to straw bales, you’ll find something around your house that you can build your greenhouse out of. And, once you have it built, be sure to take a look at these 15 DIY organic fertilizers that will help you to keep those plants green and beautiful.
1. DIY Barn Style Greenhouse
I love the look of this barn style greenhouse. It looks like an old barn, which fits in perfectly with your DIY farmhouse décor. This one goes up a lot faster than you may think and you can use repurposed boards to build it. It’s a lovely greenhouse that has so much space for all of your plants and starters.Tutorial and plans: ana-white
2. Upcycled CD Case Greenhouse
You can turn old CD cases into the perfect greenhouse for keeping your plants growing. If you don’t have old CD cases to use, check out your local thrift stores or you can check online yard sales to see if people have them available. Or, look at closed out movie or music stores. Once you have your CDs, this greenhouse goes up really quickly. This is a smaller greenhouse, perfect for three or four plants, or you can adjust the plans to make it larger.Tutorial and plans: megacrafty
3. DIY Instant Cloche Greenhouse
This easy to build greenhouse will really help you to protect your plants and seedlings. You just cut branches from a cedar or conifer tree to hold the plastic in place and then use those branches to look the plastic over to make a cover for your plants. You can do this to plants that are in your garden or add a box to the bottom and build a mini greenhouse wherever you need it.Tutorial and plans: eartheasy
4. Easy DIY Baby Greenhouse
If you only need a small greenhouse, this baby greenhouse is perfect and it is really easy to build. You make this one out of old storm windows, so if you are remodeling and replacing your storm windows, this is the perfect upcycling project for you. If you are not planning to replace those storm windows, you can find these really cheap at thrift stores and second hand hardware stores.Tutorial and plans: designdreamsbyanne
5. Easy A Frame Mini Greenhouse
This little greenhouse is made from PVC pipe and poly sheeting. This one is pretty small but plenty large enough for you to grow a few plants. If you need a larger greenhouse, you will simply have to adjust the plans to make it larger. Just add longer pieces of PVC pipe and more sheeting to make it the size that you want.Tutorial and plans: grit
6. Mini Bottle Greenhouse
You can upcycle your plastic bottles and create the perfect greenhouses for any number of plants. These are so easy to make and they are the perfect project to add to your upcycled plastic bottle crafts. These are great for seedlings or you could use larger bottles – like the ones that fit water coolers – and make larger greenhouses for all of your plants and seedlings.Tutorial and plans: apieceofrainbow
7. Repurposed Cattle Panel Arched Trellis Greenhouse
If you need a larger greenhouse, this one is perfect. It is made from repurposed cattle panels and rebar and is covered with plastic. This one looks just like those professional greenhouses and will hold so many plants and seedlings. It may take a bit longer to build than smaller models, but just imagine how much you can grow in this one.Tutorial and plans: davesgarden
8. Fast And Easy Fold Down Greenhouse
This greenhouse folds down from the side of your house or garden shed and it is perfect for growing seasonal fruits and vegetables. This is a great portable greenhouse as it folds up and out of the way during the warmer months when you really don’t need it. You can build the base with PVC pipe or any other similar material and this one literally only takes a couple of hours to complete.Tutorial and plans: bonnieplants
9. DIY Covered Wagon Hinged Greenhouse
This DIY greenhouse looks just like an old covered wagon and it has a hinged lid that makes it really easy to get to your plants. The lid just swings up and out of the way. This one could be made with any type of lumber that you may have on hand and when the lid is on it, it has a great rustic look to it from the covered wagon design. It will hold so many plants and you don’t have to worry about making it tall enough to walk through.Tutorial and plans: swingncocoa
10. Elaborate DIY Greenhouse/Guest House
This beautiful greenhouse can double as a guest house and you can build it for less than $4,000. If you’re looking to spend a bit of money, this is the perfect greenhouse. It’s so quaint and elegant and you can use it to house those in-laws when they visit. The windows give it the perfect heat for a greenhouse and it’s really an easy build considering how elaborate it is.Tutorial and plans: motherearthnews
11. Upcycled Window Cold Frame Greenhouse
This DIY cold frame greenhouse is really easy to make and you can make it from an old window. Add this to your list of repurposed window projects. You have to love upcycled window projects – they give you the chance to make something new and to use up those old windows that you would otherwise just toss out. This is basically a wooden box with a glass lid and it works perfectly for getting those seedlings ready to plant.Tutorial and plans: savvygardening
12. Repurposed Window Frame Greenhouse
If you have recently remodeled and have your old frame windows to use, you can easily build this window frame greenhouse. This is such a lovely and rustic looking greenhouse and you can make it as roomy or as small as you like. If you don’t have any old framed windows, check with your local thrift stores or contractors – if a contractor is remodeling a house and replacing the windows, they may sell the old ones to you pretty cheap. You can also use old pallets for this one to build the base.Tutorial and plans: thegreenlever
13. Cheap DIY Greenhouse
You can build this greenhouse for less than $25 and it is roomy enough to hold several plants or seedlings. This one is made from PVC pipe, zip ties and plastic sheeting and it is one of the easiest greenhouses on the list. It’s got that great dome look like professional greenhouses and you can have this one build in just a few hours.Tutorial and plans: instructables
14. DIY Cold Frame Mini Greenhouse
This little mini greenhouse is super easy to build and it is the perfect size for your seedlings. You can also put a few plants in it – depending on how big you want to make it. The plans are really easy to follow and just as easy to adjust if you want to make these a bit larger. This is the perfect mini greenhouse to grow and protect all of your plants this winter.Tutorial and plans: bepasgarden
15. Hay Bale Cold Frame Greenhouse
A few bales of hay are all you need to get started on building a great cold frame greenhouse. Hay and straw are used so much during winter to keep plants and even animals warm so you know that they help to hold in head. This is an easy plan to follow and you can make this one as big or as small as you need it, depending on the number of plants that you need to protect this winter.Tutorial and plans: highmowingseeds
16. Super Cheap Hoop Style Greenhouse
This little hoop house will really help to keep your plants warm during the winter months, which means you can grow to your heart’s content. This is one of the easiest and cheapest greenhouses to make. It’s a mini style of the hoop professional greenhouses and perfect for keeping your seedlings warm or growing taller plants during the winter – depending on how tall you make it.Tutorial and plans: imqtpi
17. Easy $5 DIY Pallet Greenhouse
You can get pallets at many lumber yards and most of the time they won’t charge you anything for them. If you have a few old pallets that you can use, you can make this amazing pallet greenhouse that won’t cost you more than $5. This one is really tall so you’ll be able to grow and protect all sorts of plants or small bushes during the winter. You really should add this one to your list of DIY upcycled pallet projects.Tutorial and plans: thegreenlever
18. Repurposed Trampoline Greenhouse
You can build a greenhouse out of a trampoline! If you have an old trampoline that maybe your little ones don’t use any longer or one that is broken, this is a great repurposing project. If you don’t have a trampoline to use, check online yard sales and thrift stores. You can normally pick one up for around $50 or less and then use it to create a hoop house style greenhouse that has loads of room.Tutorial and plans: howdoesshe
19. Easy DIY GeoDome Greenhouse
This DIY greenhouse has an adorable style and it offers loads of room for whatever you need to keep warm and humid. To build this one, you just need wood, screws and some sort of cover like plastic sheeting. It is much easier to build than it looks and is really aesthetically pleasing. Plus, you can adjust the plans to make it as small or large as you want it to be.Tutorial and plans: northernhomestead
20. Upcycled Glass Greenhouse
Here’s another greenhouse that you can build from old windows or old glass doors – or a combination of the two. Have an old shower door that you need to get rid of? You can use that, too. This is just a combination of all sorts of glass and it’s a lovely looking greenhouse, too. This one is really simple to build and if you happen to be remodeling, this one can be built for free.Tutorial and plans: instructables
Marianne Olguin
Great ideas. I can't wait to start my greenhouse.
Syed Sheik Dawood
Very good presentation, eager to form in my backyard garden
Fred Clem
i love the bran greenhouse !!! where can i get all the information to make one i have a little farm 7.5a here in MITCHELL, IN... THANK YOU !!