When we purchased our home, the backyard was nothing short of a hideous mess. The ground was barren in patches, and the grass was dead, overgrown, or patchy everywhere else. There were a lot of areas where dead leaves had smothered everything else out of existence. So we didn’t see a beautiful backyard. What we did see was potential.
I did a lot of research to find DIY projects to transform our yard, like these (or this one for a stone fire pit, which we eventually did). I am pretty happy with our yard now, but sometimes I find a video of a backyard project, which makes me long for those days when our yard was nothing but pure potential. Because I would love to do something like this with it:
DIY Timelapse Video
1. First, he lays a basic foundation.
2. Then he constructs a pergola on top of it.
3. He begins work on the elevated walkway and starts painting the pergola.
4. He lays a second foundation and builds a playhouse.
5. Then, he puts up the trampoline and completes the playhouse.
6. He adds a cool gateway leading up to the house.
This guy’s project was seriously a massive undertaking. He went from being clueless about what Pinterest was to becoming so obsessed that he totally transformed his ugly, empty lot, adding in a playhouse and trampoline for his kids, a beautiful elevated walkway, and other incredible features. From what it looks like, he is growing vines to cover the walkway, which should look beyond incredible soon.
Photo gallery of the process with before and after photos:
This guy had a really rough year during which he was diagnosed with skin cancer and was struggling to find money to pay off his debts. He did get a new job though, and he wanted to say thank you to his wife and children for bringing so much light into his life. It truly is an inspirational story of love and perseverance, and the end result is phenomenal. It all goes to show that the best DIY projects are built not just from planks and nails but also from love and purpose!
Read more on the CluelessFather blog.
April Berneck
wow amazing an so beautiful