Lighten Your Hair Naturally for Summer with These Great Homemade Recipes
Everyone wants lighter hair in summer.

Well, maybe not everyone but most people do prefer a lighter look for the warmer months.
If you tend to want to highlight your hair during the summer but prefer to steer clear of harsh chemical lighteners, there is a great homemade recipe that you can try.
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These recipes are using all natural ingredients so there is no damage to your hair.
You may remember spritzing lemon juice on your hair when you were younger and hoping that it would lighten. Well, this is about the same thing only with a few key ingredients thrown in.
Homemade lightening is much less expensive than buying highlighter in the store and you can use it more than once because there are no chemicals to cause dry and brittle hair. Here are a few different lightening methods that you can try:
1. Honey and Vinegar
Honey is a great lightening ingredient and the olive oil in this recipe will help to keep hair from drying out. To make it, you need:
- 2 cups of distilled vinegar
- 1 cup of raw uncooked honey – you can find this at most health food stores
- 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of ground cardamom or cinnamon – either one is good so it’s really your choice
You just have to mix the ingredients together and then apply onto damp hair. You can use a brush or comb to make sure that you get it evenly distributed or just apply it wherever you want highlights.
When you have the mixture applied, just wrap your hair in plastic wrap. If you have one, you can put a shower cap or swim cap on to keep the plastic wrap in place or just wrap a towel around your head.
You want to leave the mixture on overnight and then wash it out in the morning. There is no need to sit in the sunlight. This mixture works because honey has a small trace of hydrogen peroxide which is a lightening agent. Cinnamon and cardamom along with the extra virgin olive oil help to boost the lightening effect.
2. Tea
– Tea, specifically chamomile tea, is a great lightening agent. You can use black tea if you like but chamomile offers a number of properties that will help to keep your hair sleek and healthy. To use tea, you need:
- 1 Tea Bag
- Water
You simply boil the water and steep the tea bag for about 10 minutes. Once the tea has cooled, just rinse your hair with it and leave it on for about 15 minutes. You may want to do this 2 or 3 times before you shampoo or rinse to get extra lightening power.
3. Rhubarb
– Rhubarb works great and is a good choice during the summer. If you grow rhubarb, this one will not cost anything. If not, you can pick up rhubarb at your local grocery or farmer’s market. To lighten hair with rhubarb, you will need:
- ¼ cup chopped rhubarb
- 2 cups water
Just bring the rhubarb to a boil and then allow it to cool completely. Strain and use the liquid as a rinse. Leave the rinse on for about 10 minutes and then just rinse clear with water.
4. Baking Soda
– Baking soda is actually great for stripping your hair of chemical buildup and can be used as a lightening agent as well. This takes a while longer than other methods but if you use baking soda on your hair about once each week, you can strip harmful chemicals out and lighten your hair naturally over time.
5. Cinnamon
– Cinnamon is not only a great lightener but it smells great, too. Just take:
- Cinnamon powder
- Conditioner
You just have to add cinnamon powder to a small handful of conditioner and then evenly coat your hair from top to bottom. You may want to comb the mixture through to ensure that it coats evenly.
Pull your hair up and keep it secure with a clip. You can use a shower cap to hold your hair in place and leave the mixture on overnight. Rinse and shampoo first thing in the morning.
This mixture is perfectly safe for hair so you can use it more than once if you want to really see highlights.
6. Vitamin C
– Vitamin C is great for your hair. Not only with it lighten your locks, it helps to keep them healthy. Just take about 8 or 9 Vitamin C tablets, crush them and mix with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and then condition.
7. Henna Powder
– Henna Powder mixed with chamomile is a great lightening agent. You will need:
- Henna Powder – You can get this at most natural food stores
- Chamomile – Powder is best and this also comes from natural food stores
- Boiling water
You just have to mix equal amounts of each powder to make a thick paste when added to boiling water.
Allow this mixture to cool and then comb it into your wet hair.
Place a shower cap or a plastic bag over your hair and leave the mixture for about an hour – note that if you have darker hair, you can leave it for up to 2 hours. Remove the plastic and rinse the mixture from your hair.
8. Vinegar
– Just rinsing your hair with water and vinegar will help to lighten it. It takes a bit of time for this to work so it is best for those looking for gradual lightening. Just mix one part vinegar with 6 parts water and rinse hair. Leave the rinse on for at least 15 minutes. Apple cider vinegar works the best and smells a bit better.
9. Salt
– You can mix salt with water and get natural lighting as well. If you have ever swam in salt water, you know how this works. Just mix 1 part salt with about 5 parts water and rinse your hair. Allow to sit in hair for at least 15 minutes and then rinse clean.
10. Lemon
- Of course, if you want to go old school, you can just mix a cup of water with about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply it to your hair. Then just sit in the sunlight until your hair dries. This is another natural way to lighten hair that is a bit more subtle.
Hi. Does this turn dark ash blonde or iight ash brown into platinum blonde?
no, its natural so nothing natural can do something that stong. If you do it 3 times a week for a couple months you may see yourself at 1-3 shades lighter (i know because I did this for 4 months , 3 times a week and my hair is 2 shades ligher)
What method did you use hun?
Me? I tried my own recipe that I made up and WOW! AMAZING RESULTS! Here it is!
What was your method??
I put lemon honey green tea coconut oil with two drops of vinegar twice a week my hair went from dirty blonde to light blonde in a week and half of just being out in sun all the time.
I have dark asian hair would this work?
i have chocolate brown hair and i used peroxide with infusium (leave in conditioner recommended use for perms and colored treated hair) it worked. I used both left it in overnight first time. No sun, no heat I didnt want a radical change. It brought out red highlights, which I use to naturally have. I use the same application once more because I wanted it a little bit lighter.
My hair is a few shades lighter and still soft. I want to go a bit lighter. Not with peroxide, this time.
Its very true that every individuals hair is different, base highlights and texture sooo, not every recipe is going to work out the same for everyone.
i think im going to try chamomile tea, honey, cinnamon and maybe a touch of apple cider vinegar to kick the chemical reaction. Olive oil is recommended. i might use the infusium condition instead and i defiantly going to blend it all together, and try and put it on as evenly as possible, because i have natural multi colors in my hair, everyone does. Unless it is dyed straight black.
I agree to try and lighten hair gradually.
I seriously disagree with the individuals whom think mixing different chemicals is horrible. Look at any hair color treatment.
Also i wouldnt use too many acidic items and also try a few hours to start with. Then if you see a slight difference you like. Then try overnight.
and btw I thought baking soda and straight vinegar is used to strip your hair of a bad coloring job. Dawn (yes the dishsoap) is also considered a great way to help get some of the crap coloring out of your hair. I only know the above because I have asked friends whom have experience, how to get rid of a bad color job.
Ill let you know how my recipe works out:)
ty everyone for chatting about this, the input really helps
claudia valli
um maybe. Im not sure but go ask Tom for help
is it permanent?
Ansley Pate
Is it permanent?
Yes it is permanent.
it makes lighter not dying it lighter
Nothing that natural can really be permanent but I'm not totally sure, if you want it to last a long time your probably going to want to continue the process of whatever treatment you decide to use.
Does it have to be raw honey?
light blonde i think bby
Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone has any idea about how light the cinnoman( I know I spelled it wrong but Idc) and condioner work if u use it once?
Does it work?!?!?????
How does cinnamon make brown hair lighter?
How long are you suppose to leave in the bakeing soda?
karen pereira
I was told by a hairdresser to use Clear Shampoo and Baking soda , mix it together to a paste and wash but did not tell me how log to leave it in. How long should I leave this in my hair to strip the coloring from Gardier Fruitese Hair Dye ?
karen pereira
please email me at thank you . p.s. I have the solution in my hair as I am typing this to you ...
karen pereira
Can you please reply to this as soon as you can ?? Thank you . I did rinse the solution out of my hair but now I am wondering if I can dye it to Medium Brown as the box says that is the color and I did see some of the blackish dye rinse out of my hair but not much. When I dried it , the color on the top back and I have long hair to my lower bra strap and it is not the color "purple" but it does show some red highlights in just the back and not the underneath of my back part or front part of my hair !! Sincerely, Karen Heywood Pereira
you should probably let it sit for about 10 minutes
fuck you
What would happen if i did more than 1 of these? Is there any reason that would not work or damage my hair?
Well I'm using the lemon one and cinnamon one At the same time and it has not damaged my hair so far
Does it have to be raw honey?
Random Girl
I'm pretty sure it has to be raw because other honeys that aren't raw can have other ingredients in them that probably are not needed in the lightener and some could even have things you wouldn't want in your hair in them.
yes but you can use pure honey if you dont have
but it doesnt work so good so raw honey is best
Will the honey make my hair sticky? Will it wash out easily?
It won't be sticky. Add a bit of water and if you want, some condititioner, too. Just wash it really well and act like it is how you would normally wash your hair and rinse it with shampoo. It shouldn't be sticky.
I just tried the honey treatment last night (I did 4 parts honey and 1 part water). It kind of lightened my hair, but not noticeably so. I slept with it in over night and I woke up to a very sticky pillowcase in the morning; even with a shower cap on. So, I don't think I would ever try this treatment again. Also, I put it on like an hour before I went to bed and it was dripping down my face like crazy!
Maybe because you didn't use original honey .
When honey is pure it never drips down . It just sticks to your body/hair .
Sadly, they sell impure honey everywhere which is useful only for edibles .
That's not true. I use only local honey, and it runs like any other.
Try tieing a long sock around the bottom of the shower drips
I mixed cinnamon, honey, lemon juice, water, baking soda,hydrogen peroxide and salt I've let it sit on my ends for over an hour but I'm scared to rinse it off because I don't know how it will turn out
Why on earth would you combine several methods in the same application? Taking 3x the prescribed dose of a medicine does not cure you any faster: it makes you sick. Rinse your hair & try one method at a time, please! Your hair will thank you!
Why did you put sooooucj stuff in your hair all at once?
How did it turn out?
does it have to be extra virgin olive oil? Or does grape seed oil work?
SALT? JUST DO NOT USE SALT in order to light up your hair!! it is very agressive against your hair, use salt is a very bad idea, believe me!
actually if u mix the baking soda and peroxide together it will actually lighten your hair noticeably its pretty cool and worked for me
what color did it turn your hair?
Sarah c
I've done it. It isn't the best for your hair and it breaks easy, but you can add conditioner help it with the damage. It'll turn it from dark brown to blonde in one use. Depends how long you do it for.
How long did you leave it on for?
Which method did you use ?
kat k
How much peroxide to baking soda? 🙂
Don't do this I used to do this and it fried my hair
Baking soda and peroxide would damage my hair and I had to cut the tips of my hair out.
Jackie C
It worked for me. It works for thin hair better than thick hair. I would not recommend it for thick hair. But if you hair is thin, use 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, half a cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of lemon and a dash of honey and mix well. I ombred my hair with it so i soaked the bottom half of my hair in it and wrapped it in it. You will not see much of a difference the first time but after the third time i did it was 3 shades lighter and it looks very natural.
How long do you keep it in?
I personally left it in for about an hour. It turned my hair from dirty blonde to blonde. ? good luck!!
i just did the first method using the raw honey, olive oil, vinegar and cinnamon. I do not have sensitive skin ever but I had to get back in the shower and wash it out immediately because my shoulders, neck, ears and face started getting a burning rash and turned bright red. I've used honey and lemon together in past and it worked fine so I think I will go back to that. On the bright side though, the vinegar is a great way to remove build up and the honey conditions. Maybe the cinnamon was to harsh on my skin.
Using the honey recipe actually works. I have very thick, black Asian hair and after 6 treatments my hair went from a very dark brown/black to several shades lighter. I did a bayalage effect (which is very difficult to keep track of when repeating this) and it is very noticeable. I modified this recipe however, added a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to the raw honey (buy off of Vitacost and it's actually quite affordable) and coconut oil. I didn't add cinnamon because I felt it wasn't needed. A lot of people said that the honey runs, but raw and uncooked honey is actually very stiff and when mixed with an oil has a thick consistency that did not run for me. The hydrogen peroxide might not have been natural, but it is making it a bit more effective I feel. Also, the coconut oil and the honey do nourish the hair while lightening it. The highlights in my hair were lighter but orange at the beginning, but using a blue/purple shampoo cancels it out, which is a down side when lightening dark hair. Still, I get plenty of compliments on my hair and after 6 treatments, my highlighted hair is an ash brown shade. It isn't damaged at all, but I also use an egg and coconut oil mask as a treatment afterward and my hair is still the same silky and straight Asian texture, but has a great color to it.
I forgot to mention this, but I left each treatment for 6-8 hours, wrapped in a bun, with a shower cap, layered with a plastic bag and towel turban. Also, I use a DIY natural lightening spray to bring out the highlights even more. I brew very strong chamomile tea (3 bags per 8 oz. of water), add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. This I use like a leave in conditioner when I'm outside and the effects are also really intense, yet has no damage. And best of all, you can apply this to your hair and it doesn't get sticky or has an offensive smell so that you can go out and about with it on. I hope this is helpful because my hair is seriously changed by natural hair lightening because it's low maintence, easy on my uni budget, and doesn't damage hair. And I swear that using raw honey and coconut oil combined, makes hair grow a tad bit faster.
I tried your method and it worked surprisingly enough! I used just a splash of peroxide with some raw honey, and a smidge of almond oil (which is awesome!) all over my hair. My hair has reasonably lightened but has a nice golden sheen to it. And weirdly enough, it got kinda straight. But anyway, thanks! How do you maintain your roots?
if you want to maintain your roots or get rid of split ends, you use coconut oil. I used to use a lot of heat on my hair, and my mom told me to cut down on how much heat I use. she gave me a bowl of coconut oil and told me to smear it into my hair. makes it look disgusting in your hair, but best results after you rinse it! I left it in my hair for 40 min's then rinsed it out with shampoo then conditioner. best results! good luck on getting rid of split ends!
How much of each ingredient have you used ? And was the mixture thick ?
so I am tying the cinnamon treatment and wanted to know how long I leave the mixture in my hair, I am a first-timer with this and any help would be nice.
6-8 hours. you could also do 4 hours
Did it work?
Umama Khurram
you only need to apply it for 45 mins or 60 at max you dont need to leave it more
I had my hair professional colored red and it turned out really dark. I would really like to lightened it naturally, what do i use
What's with the capitals?
It makes it sound like you're shouting.
I aggree.
I concur.
Omg,really! No wonder this world is so messed up people are so anal over stupid really don't matter crap Oh please your hurting my ears get a life.
You don't have to be rude, everybody can have their own opinions.
I have really dark brown hair almost black I want to really lighten it in the summer I also have red highlights so I want to know what's the best method I can use.
Joyous Holton
use cinnamon and hydrogen peroxide for that.
With the tea, is it saying just pour a cup of tea over your head or are you meant to make it in a bowl or such??
Also, which method would you say has the most drastic lightening effect?
I've tried this method and it barely pays back the effort after repeating 3 times a week for a looong long time. Indeed it lightened my hair but with 2, 3 shades. I dipped in warm chamomile tea for about 15 min after each wash. I don't recommend it.
camomile tea worked on my hair. I have naturally light brown hair with natural high lights, so worked well. But the Honey and Distilled water worked for sure! Def saw a difference after first time 🙂
Olivia p.
If I just wanted to lighten the tips of my hair, and make the rest darker, what should I do?
I don't know about the making darker but to lighten the tips, just aply one of these methods to only the tips of your hair.
How to use baking soda on hair ? There are no methods mentioned .
Im pretty sure you can use baking soda and lemon juice on your hair people say it whitens your teeth so maybe it does the same with your hair.
No thats way too harsh, to remove buildup you can add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo in the shower
Which is the fastest?
Does your hair need to be wet when using the cinnamon and conditioner method?
Mine was dry and it worked fine, i left it in overnight and the next day i saw my friend and she said that it looked really good and of course i agreed with her haha but i would definitely recommend the cinnamon and conditioner because it has the fewest, easiest ingredients and it works really well.
Does the cinnamon make your hair lighter or reddish? I have dark brown hair. About a shade away from black. What treatment do you think would work the fastest.
how long do I leave the lemon on for
I have dark blonde hair and want it to be light like it use to be will the cinnamon make my hair have a reddish tint?
yes it should leave a reddish brownish tint but I can't guarantee, it really depends on the hair type you have
Pls guys I rather urll visit the salon
Which method works better to do lighter highlights in black hair?
How many times do we have to apply the honey and vinegar mix? and how long? Also.. does it work for dark brown hair?
Tried the cinnamon water concoction. It worked but it burns your scalp so I only left it in about 30 minutes. I added the cinnamon to some conditioner and wet my hair while I was adding. It lighten my hair.
Yeah it burned around my neck but after that I just go into the shower and It kinda worked so I'm guessing it will burn but it does Work.
For the vinegar can we wash it with shapmpoo and condition after.
I put vineger in my hair through mid way and it looks amazing!! I lathered with my shampoo and let it sit till I finished shaving my legabin the shower then rinsed and conditioned. The viniger was mixed with cocunut oil and jergens baby oil btw. Also at my ends I have hair dye from a yr ago that grew out and because of the remedy it brought out my blonde highlights at the ends and I have dark brown hair but now it goes from the dark brown at my roots to a lighter brown and then a blondish brown at the ends bringih out my natural highlights where I applied. One cup of vineger and warm water. Rinse in warm water and condition in cold. My hair is lighter, softer, and amazing!!!!!!!
I have blackish brownish hair and I don't want highlights I just want my hair a lighter brown color. What method is good for me?!!!
i am probably going to try the cinnamon method. hope i works!!!
Thanks for the great share. Another great and very common method is to use lemon juice. I have wrote an article about this here: did you every try this method?
Does madical alcohol work as well as peroxide?
I kinda improvised... I put lemon juice, canola oil, and vinegar in my hair because in they should all help to lighten... But do you think it will harm my hair in any way because I don't need it falling out or something because the ingredients had some sort of reaction. Not to be irrational, just worried. xD
Its really good.but I want to golden brown
colour in natural way . Please tell me.n I want soft hair. My hair is so rough n hard.
want soft hair. My hair is so rough n hard.
If you want to soft hair you should try henna. It makes your hair smooth and glossy.
I use Tea and water , and it work pretty well !!!
So I tried the cinnamon and conditioner method and oh lawdy!!! It worked so well. After I shampooed my hair, I conditioned it with a mixture between conditioner and olivr oil. BEST! DECISION! EVER!
I'm Gonna do this thx for the extra step! ?
If you try more than one at a time would it be of any harm? for example you do the tea one on Mondays and the baking soda one on Fridays?
I had my hair red and it then turned a reddish orange , i tried black but it just went back to an orange light brown , what would be the best method i could use? I want it lighten it as much as possible :c
what does it mean by fiveparts water one part salt??
It means for example depending on how much you need to make. For every 5 tablespoons of water you add 1tablespoons of salt. It's just the ratio of water to salt depends on how much you want to make. Like if you wanted to make a whole lot it would be like 5 cups water and 1 cup salt.
I am not a professional colorist, but I want to share what worked for me to lighten my hair. I've colored and highlighted my hair for the last 25 years, and I've never encountered my coloring to turn out as dark (nearly black) as it did yesterday! I've always mixed 1-1/2 oz of 6N and 1/2 oz of 5N with 2 oz of 20 volume Ion sensitive scalp developer to create a nice medium brown. Ocassionally, I'll use a highlighting cap afterwards to pull through a few strands and use hair bleach for blond highlights. It's been over 3 months since I colored my hair because I had some scalp irritation from a medical auto immune disease I have. My Dermatologist finally gave me the go ahead to color my hair, and I used the color ratio above that I've always used to cover my the gray. My hair was very dry from using medicated shampoo and topical steroid oil on my scalp, and I'm sure it was unusually porous, so it took the color really quick to a nearly black in color. This has never happened to me before, and I didn't want to use a hair bleach or a higher developer to lighten in case of scalp sensitivity and possible hair breakage, I searched online for a natural remedies for lightening hair, and I found several, but I chose the method of crushed Vit C tablets and shampoo mixed together. I crushed about ten 1,000 MG Vit C tablets (you can purchase capsules in which it's already crushed and you may need more than 10 tablets for longer hair) and mixed it with clarifying shampoo (any brand of shampoo is fine...I used the Suave Clarifying brand for a quicker result) in my mini food processor to get a consistency like applesauce. I wet my hair with as hot water as was comfortable to open the cuticle, and I slathered the mixture on my hair, used a big tooth comb to ensure I had covered all areas, placed a clear plastic cap over my hair as well as a towel on top of the plastic cap for heat. I checked my hair every 5 minutes, and I was pleasantly surprised that it lightened 2 shades within 12 minutes, and gave me natural highlights without using bleach! If you want lighter shades, you can safely leave the mixture on for up to 1 hour, but check it every 5 minutes. If you have very dark hair and want to go incredibly lighter, you may have to use this method more than once. Do not use a a hair dryer until you are completly satisfied with your desired lightened color, as this will impede with this natural lightening remedy. Once you are satisfied with your lightened color, wash the mixture out with your favorite shampoo, then do a 15-min or more deep conditioning mixed with a protein pack you can purchase at Sallys. Rinse with cool water at the very end to close the hair cuticle, and style as you would typically. This natural remedy worked for me, and I am so proud of myself for not turning to hair bleach and other methods that I knew would damage my already dry hair. It is now very silky smooth after using this natural lightening method, and I didn't have to sleep with any concoctions that may or may not have worked. The entire process took less than 1 hour! Best of luck to you, and please remember that I am not a professional cosmotolist!
Leslie Kelley
That sounds great! I will give it a try tomorrow as I have always been a 9N light blonde and for some reason I used the AGE color line from Sally's 9N and it turned dark brown with no shine. Thanks!
Wats the amount(quantity)for salt n water?Plz