Lighten Your Hair Naturally for Summer with These Great Homemade Recipes
Everyone wants lighter hair in summer.

Well, maybe not everyone but most people do prefer a lighter look for the warmer months.
If you tend to want to highlight your hair during the summer but prefer to steer clear of harsh chemical lighteners, there is a great homemade recipe that you can try.
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These recipes are using all natural ingredients so there is no damage to your hair.
You may remember spritzing lemon juice on your hair when you were younger and hoping that it would lighten. Well, this is about the same thing only with a few key ingredients thrown in.
Homemade lightening is much less expensive than buying highlighter in the store and you can use it more than once because there are no chemicals to cause dry and brittle hair. Here are a few different lightening methods that you can try:
1. Honey and Vinegar
Honey is a great lightening ingredient and the olive oil in this recipe will help to keep hair from drying out. To make it, you need:
- 2 cups of distilled vinegar
- 1 cup of raw uncooked honey – you can find this at most health food stores
- 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of ground cardamom or cinnamon – either one is good so it’s really your choice
You just have to mix the ingredients together and then apply onto damp hair. You can use a brush or comb to make sure that you get it evenly distributed or just apply it wherever you want highlights.
When you have the mixture applied, just wrap your hair in plastic wrap. If you have one, you can put a shower cap or swim cap on to keep the plastic wrap in place or just wrap a towel around your head.
You want to leave the mixture on overnight and then wash it out in the morning. There is no need to sit in the sunlight. This mixture works because honey has a small trace of hydrogen peroxide which is a lightening agent. Cinnamon and cardamom along with the extra virgin olive oil help to boost the lightening effect.
2. Tea
– Tea, specifically chamomile tea, is a great lightening agent. You can use black tea if you like but chamomile offers a number of properties that will help to keep your hair sleek and healthy. To use tea, you need:
- 1 Tea Bag
- Water
You simply boil the water and steep the tea bag for about 10 minutes. Once the tea has cooled, just rinse your hair with it and leave it on for about 15 minutes. You may want to do this 2 or 3 times before you shampoo or rinse to get extra lightening power.
3. Rhubarb
– Rhubarb works great and is a good choice during the summer. If you grow rhubarb, this one will not cost anything. If not, you can pick up rhubarb at your local grocery or farmer’s market. To lighten hair with rhubarb, you will need:
- ¼ cup chopped rhubarb
- 2 cups water
Just bring the rhubarb to a boil and then allow it to cool completely. Strain and use the liquid as a rinse. Leave the rinse on for about 10 minutes and then just rinse clear with water.
4. Baking Soda
– Baking soda is actually great for stripping your hair of chemical buildup and can be used as a lightening agent as well. This takes a while longer than other methods but if you use baking soda on your hair about once each week, you can strip harmful chemicals out and lighten your hair naturally over time.
5. Cinnamon
– Cinnamon is not only a great lightener but it smells great, too. Just take:
- Cinnamon powder
- Conditioner
You just have to add cinnamon powder to a small handful of conditioner and then evenly coat your hair from top to bottom. You may want to comb the mixture through to ensure that it coats evenly.
Pull your hair up and keep it secure with a clip. You can use a shower cap to hold your hair in place and leave the mixture on overnight. Rinse and shampoo first thing in the morning.
This mixture is perfectly safe for hair so you can use it more than once if you want to really see highlights.
6. Vitamin C
– Vitamin C is great for your hair. Not only with it lighten your locks, it helps to keep them healthy. Just take about 8 or 9 Vitamin C tablets, crush them and mix with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and then condition.
7. Henna Powder
– Henna Powder mixed with chamomile is a great lightening agent. You will need:
- Henna Powder – You can get this at most natural food stores
- Chamomile – Powder is best and this also comes from natural food stores
- Boiling water
You just have to mix equal amounts of each powder to make a thick paste when added to boiling water.
Allow this mixture to cool and then comb it into your wet hair.
Place a shower cap or a plastic bag over your hair and leave the mixture for about an hour – note that if you have darker hair, you can leave it for up to 2 hours. Remove the plastic and rinse the mixture from your hair.
8. Vinegar
– Just rinsing your hair with water and vinegar will help to lighten it. It takes a bit of time for this to work so it is best for those looking for gradual lightening. Just mix one part vinegar with 6 parts water and rinse hair. Leave the rinse on for at least 15 minutes. Apple cider vinegar works the best and smells a bit better.
9. Salt
– You can mix salt with water and get natural lighting as well. If you have ever swam in salt water, you know how this works. Just mix 1 part salt with about 5 parts water and rinse your hair. Allow to sit in hair for at least 15 minutes and then rinse clean.
10. Lemon
- Of course, if you want to go old school, you can just mix a cup of water with about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply it to your hair. Then just sit in the sunlight until your hair dries. This is another natural way to lighten hair that is a bit more subtle.
Can I use Lipton tea?
Yes any tea will be fine.
Vitamin C crushed made my medbrown hair orange, just an FYI
I tried the first option, with vinegar, cinnamon, olive oil and honey. The mixture left a rather large rash where it dripped down my arm and any other place it was not washed off of. Does anyone know what this means?
I tried honey mixed with lemon. My hair is totally black asian black and i leave my hair with it about 1 night and it doesn't work.
Any suggestions for me?
Hello! My hair is dirty blonde with some highlights in it. I was widberibg, with the vitamin c one, will it still work as well with sugarless vitamin c's??
Sorry, I meant wondering
So my hair is a dirty blond/dark blonde, and I want to try the lemon one and the vitamin c one, should I do the lemon one first so that I could wash it out with the vitamin c one? Or would it wash the lemon am effect away?? I'm want my to get quite a lot lighter, like 3,4 shades lighter and I have a total of 3-5 weeks to do it in and I wash my hair every 2nd or 3rd day. Please respond asap
I am starting to experiment with homemade beauty products, and i wanted to achieve lighter hair in the sun. The recipe i have found was honey, lemon, chamomile, and olive oil. My question is, as some of the ingredients are actual foods i'm afraid they might expire. Does anyone have an idea about the rough amount of shelf life this finished product would have?
I have lightish brown hair... Will using tea make them more lighter?
I used bakeing soda and peroxide and it hasent quite done anything should I do it again to night? And whenever I go outside I utlemon juice in my hair it really works
Brown hair girl
Hi I'm new at the baking soda thing can I only put baking soda in my hair or what?????
Sadly I decided to do this on a cloudy day :(( but it made my hair nice and super curly!
How long does the salt take?
emma faith
i have black hair and i want a light brown / dirty blonde color?? help on what i should use
I have (almost) black hair. Is the tea method effective to use for my hair colour if i want it lighter?
jAnet nel
Hi i have orban red hair what method would be best and would not turn my hair into orange at all?
Chaand Anisah
The tea 1 how light does it go from black
your face
is this very notifiable like does it go to light.
My daughter has natural dirty blonde hair, never been dyed, she wants it lighter, I prefer her NOT to get it colored, so recommendations please!!!!
I tried the cinnamon idea, and for some reason it's making my scalp burn. Do you know why?
Help Me
Did anyone else use the salt one? If so I chose it and #1 it is making my hair less smooth #2 It might just be me but my hair seems to turning darker. Does anyone think I may be using it wrong? If so can you tell me how I need to do it? I also would like to tell people that the salt made my arms itch and a few other places. I would also like to ask another ? I have very, very light brown hair (it was blonde when I was little and became a bit darker. I would like to get my hair back to the blonde it was. Is there any way I could not spend any money on extra things and still be able to lighten my hair. I am okay with using some not so natural things as long as I can find it in my house. Note that I do not carry things like honey, lemon juice and many more. Help me!
J a stanl
Hello, I’m going to try the Rhubarb mixture. Years ago, a boyfriend’s mother wanted me to colour her hair, but didn’t want any peroxide etc. So, we went natural colouring. We looked up several, and decided on Rhubarb. It was very effective indeed! We coloured on grey hair, it turned out to be a lovely blonde. Unfortunately, I’m now grey haired, but I’m going to give it a try. Hope you will find this message helpful!
I have curly hair does iT work to at my hair
I have short hair and it is a light brown, I want is very blond but only want to use the honey, cinnamon or olive oil ones. would it work better to mix them all?
Mix them all together, yes it will work better, but maybe not blond, but it will lighten a few shades.
Conditioner overnight will make hair fall!!!
Hello. Question:
I have full highlighted blonde hair. But it isn’t quite as light (more white) as I wanted. I don’t want to bleach again. SO; Can you mix together the chamomile tea with baking soda? I have tried the chamomile tea by itself and left it on overnight, and it didn’t really do much. A few years ago I tried hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda and it definitely turned my hair the white I wanted...BUT it made my hair very damaged, and I had a lot of hair fall. So I guess I want to know if baking soda added to the chamomile tea will lighten up more levels than just the tea alone??? Please Reply.
Hi there,
I'm Indian and I have very dark black hair. Last night I mixed 1/3 cup honey, 1/3 cup vinegar, 1/8 cup lemon juice, and two heaping tablespoons of cinnamon into a paste and applied it liberally to the ends of my hair. Then I slept on it, for 8.5 HOURS. Not a single change. These methods DO NOT WORK ON BLACK HAIR and I am extremely frustrated to have wasted a good night's sleep and 1/3 cup of really good honey on a ridiculous DIY method that turned out to be complete BS. If you have black hair, get off this page right now. You're not doing yourself any good.
Thank you for saving me the same frustration!!
Rachel Jantes
I'm not sure what my hair color is, its Black/brown. When its in the sun it looks like dark brown but it looks black to me and other people see a dark brown. Im trying the first one the honey, vinegar, olive oil, and cinnamon and I'm worried if my hair will fall out if I apply it to my whole head of hair. Im Mexican so I'm not really sure if my hair should be black or brown.
My hair is the same color and it has copper highlights so I don't know if I want to loose the little bit of red I have on the ends and the highlights. So could someone help me decide what I want to do!!!! Please!
What is healthy for your hair is good for your skin all the same.