Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. If you have kids – or grandkids – and are looking for projects to keep them busy and help spread the love, I’ve found a great collection of adorable crafts that you can make together.
All of these are so easy that even toddlers can help with them, and they are all so cute your kids will love them.
I love Valentine’s Day. From the candy and flowers to the wide array of crafts, there’s just so many ways that you can show someone how much they mean to you. I also love DIY, which is why this collection of Valentine’s Day projects is perfect.Whether you want to make cards for teachers or grandparents or you and your little ones love baking together, I promise there’s something in this collection that will thrill you and your kids.
From marshmallow pops to homemade heart ornaments that you can display all year long, these projects are as lovely as they are simple to complete.
Looking to dress up your little one for the holiday? There’s a great homemade heart barrette, or you could do her nails with these gorgeous Valentine’s nail art designs.
Whatever you and your littles are planning for the day, you don’t want to miss these projects. Let your little one make a Valentine box to hold her special treasures or help them create butterflies from doilies. There is something in here for kids of all ages, and several that we parents will love, too.
1. Bee My Valentine Mailbox
Remember making those great Valentine’s boxes when you were in school? This project is very in keeping with that tradition, and is really easy for kids of all ages. Kids will love putting their Valentines in their own little “Bee My Valentine” mailbox, and you can customize the cards that they pass out at school to match this great little box. I love the bee theme, and you only need a small handful of supplies to make it.Tutorial: momendeavors
2. Valentine’s Day Countdown
I simply love this idea! It’s 14 small hearts that you use to countdown to Valentine’s Day. Just create the hearts with little messages of love on the backs and they look great displayed in a vase or mason jar atop lollipop sticks or straws. This gives kids a way to spread the love for two entire weeks before the big day, and they will adore decorating their hearts and choosing their messagesTutorial: makeandtakes
3. Doily Banner
Let the kids create their own artwork that you’ll display in a banner made of doilies. You’ll need doilies, which you can get at any craft store or at the Dollar Store and you get several in a pack for around a dollar or so. Let kids create their own art and then display it in the center of your doily hearts. Finger painting, golf ball painting, or just plain crayon coloring – any artwork will do and your kids will love seeing it displayed.Tutorial: messforless
4. Doily Butterflies
These little doily butterflies are beautiful and they’re the perfect DIY Valentine’s Day project. Get the large paper doilies and you’ll need a few additional supplies like pipe cleaners and empty toilet paper tubes. These little butterflies really do not cost much to make and they’re really easy, too. There is some painting involved, so this is best done with adult supervision. I think it would also be a great spring project – just change up the colors a bit.Tutorial: scrumdillydo
5. DIY Heart Barrettes
These heart barrettes are too adorable, and your little girl will absolutely love them. The supplies list makes 21 hair clips, so these are great for giving out as gifts, too. If you’re having a party, they’re perfect for goodie bags. The barrettes are made of felt, which you can pick up nearly anywhere and it’s really inexpensive. You also need the actual barrettes to attach and a few decorating supplies. This one may be my favorite in the list.Tutorial: purlsoho
6. Heart Photo Ornament
These DIY heart photo ornaments are perfect for giving to grandparents. Kids will love making them nearly as much as parents enjoy receiving them. This project is a bit more complicated as it involves printing images, so you may need to lend a hand. Basically, you just print out strips of photos and then fold into a heart pattern. Add a ribbon for hanging and you’re all set. Such an adorable idea and a gift that can be displayed all year long.Tutorial: scrappergirl
7. Homemade Play-Doh Hearts
If you’ve never made homemade Play-Doh with your kids then you are seriously missing out on some fun. This is one of the simplest recipes and you can create so many things with it. With just some flour, water, oil and a few other supplies, you can make Play-Doh that your kids can then shape into hearts with cookie cutters. Allow them to decorate and add a ribbon for hanging. You can use them to decorate for a party or to give out – carve the names or initials of school friends into the doh before it hardens.Tutorial: thesuburbanmom
8. Lollipop Lily
This lollipop lily is just too cute. You remember those Valentine’s cards you used to get in school that had lollipops? Well this is basically the same thing, except you make it yourself and it looks like a lily. You can use the leaf as a name card and just insert a Tootsie Pop and you’re all set. Kids are going to love making these as much as they love giving them out to their friends.Tutorial: skiptomylou
9. Mosaic Heart
Most kids love mosaic – it’s such a beautiful art form and you can have so much fun tearing up those little pieces of paper. Grab some construction paper and let your kids get busy on these mosaic hearts. It’s a basic idea, one you may remember from school yourself. Just tear the paper into small pieces and put them together to create your artwork. This is a great project for toddlers and younger children, particularly on those cold and snowy days when they can’t get outside.Tutorial: macaronikid
10. Owl Valentine Box
This is a great project for teachers or parents who want to help their children create adorable boxes to hold their valentines. This owl box is just too cute, and it’s really simple to make. An empty cereal or fruit snack box works as the box and then you just add the embellishments with construction or craft paper. You could do this in any number of styles, but I am really loving the owl.Tutorial: simpleasthatblog
11. Picture Holder
My children did this project in Sunday School one year for Mother’s Day and it’s really cute. You need unfinished puzzle pieces, which you can get at any craft store. Then you just assemble them around tongue depressors to create the frame and decorate. You could also use finished puzzle pieces if you have them in red, pink, and white, but the unfinished ones are pretty cheap and then kids get to decorate them however they want.Tutorial: allkidsnetwork
12. Puffy Heart Wreath
Kids will love displaying this lovely puffy heart wreath, and it’s one of the least expensive projects you can make. You need paper plates – paper not foam, foam heart picks, red markers, and scissors. You can pick up foam heart picks at the Dollar Store – they’re about a dollar for nine picks, so you can get them in different colors to create a really neat looking wreath. Just cut the center out of the plate and then let the kids glue on the picks in various places. This is a great project for younger children.Tutorial: notimeforflashcards
13. Valentine’s Day Marshmallow Pops
These DIY marshmallow pops are too adorable to keep to yourself. You’ll want to pass these out at your Valentine’s Day party or your kid’s school party. Believe it or not, it takes less than half an hour to make them. You just attach the marshmallows to straws and then decorate. Well, there are a few steps in between, but they’re really easy steps. Decorate with white chocolate or you can add food coloring to make the pink. Roll in coconut or add Valentine’s Day sprinkles. You can really do these however you want and kids are going to love them!Tutorial: mommygaga
14. Tic Tac Toe Hearts
You’ll need to assist with this project as a sewing machine is required. It’s a really cute project, though and it makes the most adorable game of tic tac toe you’ve ever seen. You’ll need to sew the heart shaped bean bags, or you could hot glue them although sewing seems much sturdier, especially if the kids are going to be playing with them a lot. The heart board is made from poster board or construction paper. if you think this is a game the kids will play for years, you can laminate the board to make it stronger.Tutorial: alphamom
15. Tissue Paper Stained Glass Heart
Here’s another project that is perfect for toddlers and pre-school aged children. These stained glass hearts are really easy and there’s really no way to get them wrong. You’ll need to tear up small pieces of tissue paper to make the stained glass – kids will adore helping with this step. Then you let them assemble their pieces onto their hearts. The supplies list is really short and this is a project that will keep them busy for hours.Tutorial: weefolkart
16. Valentine Puppies
No, you don’t have to run out and get your child a puppy – although, puppies are really adorable! These Valentine puppies are something your little ones will love making and sharing. The face and ears are cut out of construction paper – pink, white, or red. Let kids create their little puppy faces. This entire project just screams cuteness overload and it’s perfect for homeschooling parents or teachers of kindergarten or pre-k. Kids are really going to adore these little puppies.Tutorial: craftymorning
17. Handprint Valentine’s Card
Who doesn’t love finger painting? Well, kids love it, anyway, and this Valentine’s Day card utilizes that love of finger painting. Start off with your card – cardstock is great for this, and then let kids dip their hands into paint, then they just make little handprints on the card to make it extra-special for parents or grandparents. What a wonderful way for kids to show they care and for parents to preserve those tiny little handprints forever!Tutorial: rosinahuber
18. Valentine’s Day Wristlets
You’ll want to assist with this project as there is cutting and sewing involved. You’ll need felt in various colors, Velcro, and a few embellishments like buttons and trim. These little wristlets are really cute and not as difficult to make as they look. This is a great project for girls who want to make something special to put into valentines at school – for girls, that is. It’s also a good project to keep kids occupied while the weather outside is horrid.Tutorial: myplumpudding
19. Yarn Wooden Hearts
You can pick up wooden hearts in all sizes at craft stores or at the Dollar Store. Just take those little wooden hearts and wrap then in yarn. Yarn is really inexpensive and you can find it in many different colors. I would do these in red, pink, and white but you can stick with just one color if you wish. You just wrap the yarn around the hearts and then hot glue it to ensure it stays in place.Tutorial: 2littlehooligans
20. You Da Bomb Candy Valentine
Okay, so this may be my favorite project on the list…and it will probably be yours, too. The little bombs are filled with candies! The “dynamite” is just a roll of Rolos candies wrapped in red paper. You can create a wick from black licorice or even a black pipe cleaner and then just tie it all together. I love how very simple this is and how adorable it is at the same time. This is a great gift idea for teachers!Tutorial: make-it-do
i will have to try all well maybe
Barbara Grubman
Thanks for all these WONDERFUL ideas. I do so appreciate them. First thing I will make is red yarn wrapped around the heart.
Way to cute!!!! So many adorable ideas. Wish I had found this a few years ago when my kids were in elementary school. As the class-mom, I could have had such awesome crafts for the kids.
We still might do a few at home.
Thank you for sharing.
i like the bee mine
angela franco
I need something easer to make with home thing