And now I have found a new idea that I just love—building a DIY boot rack out of horseshoes!
Seriously, how awesome is this? It’s the perfect western-themed project. Now I will have the perfect place to stow all of my cowgirl boots. I can’t imagine how many comments and compliments it is going to get after I put it all together.
Technically this is not a DIY video; it goes by very fast and there are no narrated instructions. That is because it was put together to promote a finished product available here But if you have experience welding, it is not all that hard to follow along and figure out the steps and write them down. I might get lazy and buy one … but I love making things, so I definitely will be giving it a try. Whether you buy one ready-made or weld your own, I hope you love this rack as much as I do. What an awesome discovery! If you love rustic decorating you must check out our 85 Rustic storage projects and 40 Rustic home decorating ideas.
Love this project but missing the resources to make it? Luckily handy Etsy sellers are selling this item photos and links below:
Turpinshorseshoes selling this item here Horseshoe boot rack.
CrownMeRoyalty selling this here: Horseshoe boot rack.
RusticHooksAndMore selling it here: 12 pair boots rack.
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