Imagine your Christmas dinner table setting, complete with little Christmas trees on each place setting. Learning this fold technique to create Christmas trees from your napkins is sure to make you the hit of the Holiday season.
The technique is really easy and you’ll be folding napkins like crazy once you get the hang of it. If you don’t have enough cloth napkins, this could be another way to use up those leftover fabric scraps. Serve these amazing Christmas tree cupcakes and you’ll really be the Queen of the Holidays.
Video Tutorial:

So, you’ll need a list of supplies. To make these you need square napkins, and you can use green, white, red, or a combination of all. They have to be cloth, though. You just really don’t want to make this from paper napkins. To begin, iron your napkins, which will make them easier to work with.
Step 1 – Fold the napkin in half, making certain that your corners are perfectly linked up. Smooth out any wrinkles in the fabric.
Step 2 – Fold the napkin in half, again and again, be sure that the corners are lining up perfectly and that you are smoothing out any wrinkles. Now, turn the napkin around so that the outside corners are facing you.
Step 3 – Line up those corners, working one at a time. You have to stagger the corners, which creates the look of the tree, and again, be sure that you’re smoothing out any wrinkles in the fabric.
Step 4 – Turn the napkin over by gently sliding your hand under it, and flipping it gently.
Step 5 – Fold both of the outer corners to the sides directly opposite them. So, you’re going to fold each upper outside corner over to the side on the opposite edge, working with one corner at a time. You want to be sure that the tops of the corners are lined up parallel to you. You should see a triangle shape beginning to form, with the point heading down.
Step 6 – Turn it over again, using the same method as you did in step 4.
Step 7 – Fold each flap upwards, beginning with the one at the top. Tuck the flaps up under the flap above each one, making sure that you are hiding the corner point.
Step 8 – And you’re done! You just have to place your napkin Christmas Trees on your place settings, being sure that they are all still intact and that the folds are still folded properly.
These are entirely too adorable and I can’t wait to try them with my Christmas place settings! You can leave them like they are or feel free to add any embellishment that you want. Imagine how cute they would be with candy cane striped napkins. I definitely want to see pictures if you try this!
Tutorial by Paige Russell - Author of tens of fancy Christmas decorating projects like : Snow Drift Cakes, Star Light Tree Topper , Ladder Christmas Tree, Snow Globe Cocktail, Brass Himmeli Ornaments, Modern Holiday Wreath. PS click any of the links above for awesome tutorials like this! 🙂
isabel freeman
This looks easy- especially with the vidoe tutorial! Thankyou for sharing. 🙂
Just too darn cute, thanks Vanessa.
Very good must try
Chelly R. Cator
Nice one!
What a very clever idea
Diena Cameron
Thanks for the great tutorial and the video, i was having a little trouble following along so went back to video and it was crystal clear ! This is so cute that i definitely have to do this for our Christmas dinner. Thanks and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Thanks for share.It looks easy