I’ll bet you never thought of the creative ways you could use him, though. I mean, he doesn’t just have to sit on that shelf. There are a million, or in this case 60, different ways that you can decorate your home with your Elf on the Shelf. I’m betting that you’ve never even thought of many of these decorating ideas, and if you have, well there are sure to be some that you’ve missed. It’s time to really display that elf in a fun and creative way!
He’ll look great sitting next to some of these amazing Christmas crafts, or maybe even munching on one of these delicious Christmas tree cupcakes. However you normally decorate your home for the Holidays, this little guy should definitely take part in your overall decor, and this list has some of the most unique, and adorable, ways to display him.
So, take a look at this great, and fun, collection, and give me your own unique take on how you plan to place your little Elf this Holiday season. I would love to see some of your own unique ways of incorporating this little guy into your Holiday decorating.
Attack of the Lego People
Your elf has been naughty, and the Lego people aren’t going to stand for it! Let those Lego baddies tie down your elf. This is a great idea for all you Star Wars lovers, especially if you have Star Wars Legos. The force may not be with the Elf on the Shelf after all.Idea Source and More Info: pickleheadsoup
Let your little Elf be a teacher. This is a great idea for teachers or anyone who appreciates teachers, as we all do. Just set him up with his own little chalkboard and let other dolls and stuffed animals be his student. This is a really cute way to decorate and leave messages for the family.Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
The Voice Audition
Grab some Blake and Adam lookalike dolls and set your little elf up for his very own Voice audition. You can create the entire stage, depending on how much work you want to put into it. Go ahead, let the little guy get his groove on and win that competition!Idea Source and More Info: pickleheadsoup
Marshmallow Bath
I love this one! Your little elf can rest and relax in his own little “bubble” bath made of marshmallows. What a neat idea for a Christmas dinner or party centerpiece. Kids will love eating his “bubbles” and you can mix small and large marshmallows to make it look more realistic.Idea Source and More Info: livinglocurto
Playing Connect Four
If your family is big on family game night, let your little elf join in the fun. Set him up with a few “friends” and let him enjoy his very own game of Connect Four under the Christmas tree. Or choose whatever game your family loves to play.Idea Source and More Info: pinterest
Prop up your elf with some peppermint scented bubble bath or body wash, and set him on a bathroom shelf. Who says Christmas decorations only belong in the living room. Bring some Holiday cheer, and your elf, to the bathroom, too!Idea Source and More Info: sheknows
With His Own Elf
You know you love Elf with Will Ferrell. Maybe your little elf buddy does, too. Set him up with the DVD, and maybe add a pizza box or Buddy the Elf’s favorite spaghetti to show just how much he’s enjoying the movie.Idea Source and More Info: iheartnaptime
Elf Camping
Set your little Elf on the Shelf up with some marshmallows for roasting, a tire swing (made from a little car tire) or anything else related to the outdoors. He’s sure to love his new camping décor, and you’re sure to love this creative way to display him.Idea Source and More Info: littlebitfunky
Sack Race
Ready..Set..Go! Let your Elf on the Shelf show off his skills with this sack race idea. Just grab a few others to help him run the race and put them in little paper sacks. Kids will absolutely adore this one! Team him up with all your favorite characters.Idea Source and More Info: pickleheadsoup
Charlie Brown Christmas
Set your little elf up in his own advice booth, just like Lucy from Charlie Brown. Just a piece of paper or cardboard will do the trick, and you can park him next to your Snoopy ornaments.Idea Source and More Info: pickleheadsoup
Jail Bird…or Elf
Your elf has been sentenced to 28 days under your Christmas tree! Whatever his crime, make him do the time with this adorable decoration idea. You could even park little police cars around him to really make him think about what he’s done.Idea Source and More Info: upliftingfamilies
Email…or ElfMail
Set him up in front of your tablet and let your little elf check his mail. He could write a letter to Santa or check the names on the naughty and nice list. He may need to send off a letter to Santa about his gift list.Idea Source and More Info: lilblueboo
Nap Time
The Elf is sleepy, so why not let him lie down on a bed of...marshmallows? This is a sure fire way to keep him out of mischief, and an adorably cute idea for a dinner party centerpiece. Just don’t be too loud while eating. Your elf needs his rest.Idea Source and More Info: bombshellbling
Sunny Vacation
Let that poor elf get some much needed rest and relaxation by creating him his very own little beach scene. Add some sunlight and he’s sure to be well-behaved when he gets back. And he’s sure to be in high spirits after a sunny vacation.Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
The Legend of Zelda
Whether you love the game or not, this Legend of Zelda idea is too cute. Besides, elves gotta have fun, right? Let him play his games, and create an adorable decorating idea at the same time.Idea Source and More Info: buzzfeed
Gone Fishing
What fun to have your little elf enjoying a day of fishing! You can set him up at a sink or even a bowl, and let him fish for peanuts, candies, whatever you have on hand.Idea Source and More Info: rockingmy365project
Twister Elf
Let that little elf twist again like he did last Christmas, or something like that. Set up his little mini twister game with other dolls and what-nots and let the fun begin!Idea Source and More Info: sheknows
Leg Lamp
Pay homage to the Christmas Story by recreating the scene with the leg lamp. If you can’t find a mini leg lamp, you can use a Barbie leg to make one yourself.Idea Source and More Info: pinterest
Snowball Fight
To infinity…you know the rest. Anyway, set up that little elf with Buzz Lightyear or whoever you have on hand and recreate a fun snowball fight! Lego forts are definitely the way to go!Idea Source and More Info: nellycolephotography
Skiing Elf
Put on his scarf, grab some popsicle sticks and hand him a candy cane or two. Your little Elf on the Shelf is going downhill skiing! A little fake snow might help pull the look off. This is great for staircases or around the tree – he’s tiny so he can ski anywhere.Idea Source and More Info: pickleheadsoup
Shoot Some Hoops
Set him up with the Nativity characters, or other little dolls and such, and a mini basketball goal. Shooting the hoops on Christmas Eve definitely equals fun! Elf loves basketball – but he’s really great at playing shortstop on the baseball team.Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
Cooking Elf
Who says the Elf on the Shelf is all about mischief? A little chef’s hat and your favorite mixer, and he’s instantly transformed into chef of the year. What a great little kitchen decorating idea for the Holidays!Idea Source and More Info: dose
Super Elf
What’s that in the sky? It’s a bird..it’s a plane…it’s Super Elf! Just add a cape and he’s ready to save the world. He’ll make short work of cleaning up your city!Idea Source and More Info: busykidshappymom
Swinger Elf
He’ll come in like a wrecking ball! Let your elf enjoy the swinging life on a swing or a ball, you know like Miley! He’s a swinger!Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
All Hyped Up On Sugar
Poor little elf is so hyped up on sugar he can’t see straight…or at all with his head stuck in the candy bag. What a great idea for a party centerpiece! Just stick him right in the candy bag and he’s sure to bring loads of fun to the party.Idea Source and More Info: rebeccalundin
Angry Birds Elf
Because you know, everybody loves Angry Birds. Let him gather with his little friends and enjoy a real life game, complete with the actual game.Idea Source and More Info: rockingmy365project
Around the World
Set your little elf up with clocks showing different time zones. This is a great idea for those of you who have family in different time zones or halfway around the world.Idea Source and More Info: elfontheshelf
Pancake Flipping Elf
Mrs. Butterworth’s is sure to love your little elf, especially when he makes up delicious pancakes! Tiny little elf sized pancakes are also sure to get the kids excited about breakfast.Idea Source and More Info: homestoriesatoz
Date Night
Let your little elf in on a little action by pairing him with Barbie for a date night. These two sweethearts love sipping on syrup!Idea Source and More Info: elfontheshelfideas
Spin the Bottle
Elves just wanna have fun…well, a little fun, anyway. Set him up with his friends for a rousing game of spin the bottle – adult supervision required.Idea Source and More Info: elvesgonewild
Shaving Elf
Your elf has grown so much since last Christmas. It’s time for that Holiday shave. What a cute idea to bring a little Christmas cheer to the bathroom!Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
Circus Elf
Everybody wants to run away to the circus and your elf is no exception. Give him a candy cane and watch him keep up with the best trapeze artists!Idea Source and More Info: busykidshappymom
Operation Christmas Elf
Well, Operation Elf on a Shelf, that is. Just give him his two way radio and he’s on his way to defend your honor! You might want to let him pack a little lunch, too. Those covert operations can really make an elf hungry!Idea Source and More Info: veteransunited
Elf on the Shelf and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter beware! Your Elf on the Shelf is after that wizardry title. This little guy is adorable dressed as the world’s most favorite wizard, complete with a wand and little black rimmed glasses.Idea Source and More Info: pinterest
Christmas Breakfast Elf
Your little elf has been busy all night cooking up a wonderful breakfast, complete with a note from Santa himself! The kids are absolutely going to adore this on Christmas morning.Idea Source and More Info: 11magnolialane
Elf Cocoa Party
Bring your little Elf on the Shelf in from the cold and offer him some yummy cocoa. FYI this would also make a wonderful gift idea for teachers or others. Just wrap him around a mug of cocoa or marshmallows.Idea Source and More Info: sweetcsdesigns
Under the Weather
Put your little elf to bed in a box of tissues. He’s caught a cold! He’ll feel much better though once he rests on those snowy white Kleenex for a day or two.Idea Source and More Info: playdrhutch
Parachuting Elf
Mini parachutes are an adorable way to display your elf. He’s coming in for a landing with a message from Santa! Time to check that naughty and nice list ,and make sure you’re on the right side of it, before he lands.Idea Source and More Info: peanutblossom
He’s Counting Down the Days
Your mischievous little elf can help you count down the days to Christmas with a little homemade paper chain. Just string him up and he’ll help you count the days down one by one.Idea Source and More Info: familylifeisgreat
It’s a Pizza Party
Made for a King…or an Elf. The next time you enjoy a takeout pizza, keep the box. Your little elf will adore sitting there having his own little pizza party while waiting for Christmas to arrive.Idea Source and More Info: iheartnaptime
Plant Your Own Elf!
These magic Elf seeds are sure to help you to grow your own little collection of elves. Well, maybe not, but the idea is really cute. And, this is a great way to display both your elf and those candies that you want to put out.Idea Source and More Info: eastcoastmommyblog
Ziplining Elf
Your Elf on the Shelf is not only mischievous, he’s adventurous. He loves nothing more than to go ziplining throughout the house. Watch him fly! This is even more fun when you have more than one elf.Idea Source and More Info: ginaraemillerphotography
He’s a Lover!
This elf kissing booth is a great idea and so adorable! Imagine having him setting up, with a little mistletoe above him of course, and greeting your guests as they arrive for Christmas dinner!Idea Source and More Info: livinglocurto
Over the Fields He Goes!
Or over the stair rail in this case. A Tupperware lid and your Elf on the Shelf make the perfect sledding decorating for the staircase. Watch him glide down those stairs like a master sledder!Idea Source and More Info: crazyloucreations
Elf – Christmas Vacation Style
He’ll fully resemble Clark Griswold when he’s upside down trying to hang those Christmas lights. What a great idea for a mantel or the staircase. Your little elf is sure to need some TLC after the day he’s had stringing lights!Idea Source and More Info: sweetshoppedesigns
Making Snow Angels
Lay your little elf up on the counter and make him some “snow” with kitchen staples. He’ll have a blast creating snow angels and he’ll look so cute doing it!Idea Source and More Info: pinterest
It’s All Over!
Your poor little elf has been trapped, and the army is about to get him. Some duct tape and a few army men are what it takes to create this hilarious elf abduction scene. His mischievous ways finally got the best of him!Idea Source and More Info: flickr
Elf Drawing
He’s really done it this time. Your little Elf on the Shelf went and drew mustaches on the family photo! And he’s sticking around to take a look at his masterpiece. Kids are going to think this one is hilarious.Idea Source and More Info: babystribling
Elf Has Left the Building
He’s had enough and now your sweet little elf is headed home to the North Pole. Just put him and all his “stuff” in a little car and he’s ready to go home, just in time to help Santa pack up his sleigh.Idea Source and More Info: ocregister
Rudolph Noses
Your little elf just wants to be part of the family, and it shows when everyone in the family is sporting a Rudolph nose for your Christmas photo. Give your little elf one, too, so he won’t feel left out.Idea Source and More Info: frugalcouponliving
Stringing Popcorn
Set your elf up with a bowl and some popcorn, or some fruit loops, and let him help decorate the tree. This is great, and certainly something that the kiddos will love.Idea Source and More Info: cometogetherkids
Who Stole the Cookies?
Your elf stole the cookies from the cookie jar, or the cookie box, whatever works for you. Just display him with the cookies and everyone will see who the real cookie thief is.Doing His Laundry?
How much laundry could a tiny little elf actually have? Well, he’s ready to use the washer and dryer, so set him up in the laundry room and watch him do his thing!Idea Source and More Info: pinterest
Celebrating the Reason for the Season
Even your elf knows the real reason for the Holiday season, and when he’s displayed with your nativity scene, he shows just how blessed he feels. He’ll fit right in with the wise men!Idea Source and More Info: busykidshappymom
Checking Out the Toy Catalog
Give him the latest toy catalog and let him work on his Christmas wish list. Just sit him down and he’ll find something that he loves. Plus, he just looks so happy seeing all those toys!Idea Source and More Info: beaujanglesphotos
Watching a Movie
The Elf’s favorite Christmas movies are on the television, and he’s going to kick back with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy them. Just prop him up on a few pillows and he’ll be set for the rest of the night.Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
Having a Blast with Rapunzel
The Elf and Rapunzel have a little thing going to see who builds the best snow fort. He’ll use sugar cubes to make sure her snowballs don’t come crashing through. Of course, you’ll have to build her fort up pretty high so he can climb her hair to rescue her!Idea Source and More Info: asmallsnippet
Message to the Kids
Let your elf leave a message for the kids every morning. Just hang him up by the mirror and tell them what they need to hear. This is a great way to count down the days till Christmas and it gives your elf something to do.Idea Source and More Info: cometogetherkids
Making Snowflakes
Let your little elf help with all the Holiday decorating by cutting out snowflakes. These paper snowflakes are perfect for decorating and your elf needs something to occupy his time until Christmas.Idea Source and More Info: flickr
Decorate Stockings
The Elf on the Shelf was designed as a decoration after all, so why not let him help you with your Christmas decor by peeking out from a stocking. This is also a great gift idea. Just add him to any stocking that you plan to give and he’ll help decorate houses all over town next year!Idea Source and More Info: spottedpinkpotatoes
Where can I get the elf? He is so cute!
We just saw them today at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
I got an elf on the shelf last year and my parents didn't do anything cool with him, we would just find him laying around the house somewhere, but I showed my mom a couple of these and she loved them, THANK YOU for all these ideas. This year is going to be a great year for the elf