Little babies are so much fun because they’re almost like real life dolls that you get to dress up and down for fun; and their little giggles reduce me to a ball of happy emotions and smiles. Since kiddies grow so quickly in the early stages of their lives, it’s not very frugal to dish out the cash on Halloween costumes that will only be worn once (ok, and maybe once more when you bring out that camera for a photoshoot). So if you enjoy making baby clothes and other baby projects, stick with the DIY route and make something for your little bundle of joy! You’ll definitely find something to make you go “awwww” among these clever and adorable costume ideas.
Baby Moose
Who knew that stuffing a pair of white gloves and sticking them to either side of the hood of your baby’s brown sweatshirt can instantly turn him into the cutest little moose ever? It’s easy and it’s frugal; what’s not to love?DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – HouseOfPaint
Mouse Caught in a Trap
Ok, seriously, a massive thumbs up to the cool and crafty parents who came up with this fantastic idea. And since your wagon frame is mobile, you can cart your little pipsqueak around to go trick-or-treating. I’m sure candy will go down better than cheese.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – Photobucket and CostumeWorks
“Give me that treat, you must”. What’s cuter than a baby Yoda? Nothing. Nothing can be cuter than a tiny little Star Wars fan in the making, dressed in a little bitty robe, donning Yoda’s famously big ears. Get ready for all the oohs and ahhs when this little one makes an appearance.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – AlisonKreft
Where’s Waldo?
Finding everyone’s favorite fictional tourist, Waldo, (or Wally, for you Brits), among the sea of weird and wonderful characters in interesting and chaotic settings, is practically a rite of passage for any child. Just think back to how many hours you must have spent staring frustratingly at those pages! So how could you not want to dress up your little tot as this popular protagonist?DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – Instagram:jchavkin
Clark Kent
Dressing your little bundle of joy in a Superman outfit is cute, sure, but it isn’t all that unique, is it? You could totally step it up by going the Clark Kent route, while just presenting us with a hint of the crime-busting alter ego with the famous logo just peeking through his shirt. Now that’s a great costume!DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – CostumeWorks and CostumeWorks
Oompa Loompa
When you have an adorable little human like this, resisting the urge to dress her up as a classic Oompa Loompa is practically impossible. Just look at her! She’s the perfect size! And luckily, with the accessibility of rinse-out hair chalk, it’s easy to dye your little one’s hair green for just one day.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – People
Any sports nuts out there? This football costume is so ridiculously easy that you may just decide on it even if you aren’t a football fan. And, you don’t even have to sew or stitch – you can simply use white tape on a brown onesie to create the effect. Just don’t let anyone start tossing your baby around!DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – LinesAcross
Released Prisoner
Yeah ok, it’s official. This is the best newborn costume. Ever! It’s adorable, fun and playful, hilarious, really easy to make, and did I mention absolutely, drop dead, I-never-want-to-pry-my-eyes-away-from-you adorable?? Now please excuse me while I go find myself a newborn baby.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – CostumeWorks
I’ve been very open about my owl addiction, so there’s no way I wouldn’t jump at the chance to get moms everywhere to dress their little ones as this magnificent creature. Felt pieces make excellent feathers, so you can either stick them to a onesie, or just make a winged cape instead.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – Milkweed
Harry Potter
Why is Harry Potter such a popular baby costume? Maybe it’s because the character and outfit is instantly recognizable. Or maybe it’s because it really is so easy to DIY. But in all honesty, I think the primary reason is because babies just look so ridiculously cute with those round glasses!DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – Love&Lion
Carl from Up
As delightfully happy and friendly little tots often look, they can sometimes also look seriously grumpy and unimpressed… much like a grumpy old man. I know Up is now a movie of the past, but this costume is just too perfect not share. You can actually just use this as inspiration to turn your little one into a generic grandma or grandpa character; that little walker is a stroke of genius for those who need a bit of help with their waddling.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – MyModernMet
Bag of Popcorn
Is it weird to turn your precious little baby into a bag of popcorn? Perhaps, but when Halloween comes around, you can get away with anything! Not only is this living, tasty treat super cute, but I absolutely love how the parents turned it into a family costume.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – ThisPlaceIsNowAHome
I don’t know what it is about dressing babies up as food that’s just so darn appealing. It makes me want to eat them up! In a figurative sense, of course. This is a really simple DIY that requires no sewing (yay!) so I’m sure many of you will find it very appealing. How happy does that fruity little bundle of fun look?DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – LinesAcross
Isn’t this just udderly adorable?! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself...) You can easily customize a plain white onesie to add some black cow spots and then just sew on some ears to a hat. And then, of course, for the pièce de résistance… an udder made from baby bottle nipples! The creativity here is remarkably impressive.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – MakeIt&LoveIt
Can you tell which legs are real and which are fake? Yeah ok, it’s obvious when you look closely, but at a glance, this cute little thing really looks like a charming human-octopus hybrid! This giggling eight-legged tot may just be enough to get me over my fear of octopuses.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – CostumeWorks and Etsy Pattern
I just love it when innocent-looking tiny humans try to look like big scary monsters. The absurd contrast makes me giggle and go “awwww” every single time. So, how can you turn your little monster into Halloween dinosaur? It’s as easy as sewing some “scales” onto a hoodie!DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – DIYingToBeDomestic
Charlie Brown
This is just too precious for words. Good ol’ Charlie is a lovable and determined little guy never gives up, even when he keeps failing, and just look how gorgeous he looks in real life. That little curl drawn on the baby’s head is just priceless!DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – CostumeWorks and Instagram:jchavkin
So the adorably clumsy little minions finally got their own movie, and kids all over the world just can’t get enough. I have to admit, I love these little guys, so a living, breathing baby minion is my dream come true.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – DespicableMeMinions
Olaf the Snowman
There’s no denying that Frozen set off a monumental craze; if you and your kids haven’t quite been able to let it go just yet, then this little Olaf onesie may just be the perfect outfit. A bit of felt and a pair of googly eyes is all you need to turn your baby into a loveable snowman.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – HelloSplendid
Who wouldn’t feel as proud as a peacock when displaying these gorgeous feathers? As long as you can get the right color onesie and tights, then you’re halfway there already. And that cute little headband is just the perfect icing on the cake.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – CreativelyChristy
Your Favorite Starbucks
Have you ever thought of the main similarity between your delightful little baby and your favorite coffee? They both keep you awake… I’m not sure how long a baby will tolerate wearing this Starbucks cup, but it sure looks cute.DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit – Instagram:goodas77
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The mouse trap is my favorite