How often does it happen that you spot something beautiful that you’re determined to have in your home only to have the price tag change your mind for you? Sadly, it happens to me a lot, which is why I decided to figure out my own ways of making replicas all by myself while sparing my budget. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but sometimes my DIY versions come out even better than the originals because I have the freedom to add a bit of personalization.
I found this really helpful video to teach you how you, too, can make your own stunning decorative pieces for a fraction of the buying price. These four examples are mostly DIY replicas from items found at Pottery Barn, but you can buy your materials and supplies at a dollar store (or the equivalent thereof if you live outside the US) or a regular hardware store.
Tutorial by Kathryn from Youtube. Subscribe to her amazing channel here (Do It on a Dime Youtube) or visit her lovely blog here (Do It On A Dime).
1. 9-Panel Multi Mirror
This striking window-like paneled mirror would set you back $300 if you were to buy it in-store, but after buying nine regular framed mirrors, duct tape, super glue and a foam board, you’ll only be $12 out of pocket.
2. Chalkboard Plate
I plan on making a series of these chalkboard plates because they really are so effective, and I just love that you can change the message or image on the board as often as you like. All you need is a silver platter, spray paint (make sure it’s one that works on metal) and chalkboard paint.
3. Candles
This one is just a quick, cheap purchase with no actual DIYing involved. These beautiful Moroccan-themed candles can be found at Dollar Tree; put them anywhere in your home where you want to emit a nice soft and warm glow.
4. Rope Bowl
Here’s a great way to give an old unwanted bowl a lovely nautical-themed makeover in about 15 minutes. All you need is some jute twine and a hot glue gun so that you can wrap the entire bowl in the twine and use the glue to secure it in place for a long time to come. So easy, so affordable, so pretty!
Very cool, thank you
Denise Hosner
Love the pottery barn ideas! Thanks..and the videos were great!
I love everything. ..and yes, I like to look at stuff and make them myself...thank you. ..