I was so impressed when I found this awesome idea of using just three tires to create a beautiful pond water feature in your garden.
Here’s what you need:
- Tires – this example uses one tractor tire and two car tires, but it’s up to you!
- Different-sized rocks and stones
- Tarp (it must be water-resistant)
- Sand and gravel
- Shovel
- Jig saw
- Wooden slab (or whatever else you have to level the sand)
Here’s what you do:
- Measure the size of the tires and dig holes, respectively
- Pour a level layer of sand in the hole
- Fit in the tire and close up any gaps around it
- Using the jig saw, cut off the top part of the tire
- Using the tarp, line each tire; use the gravel and rocks to outline the tire and keep the tarp in place
- Fill with water and decorate as you wish
The beauty of this project is in its versatility; you can use as many tires as you like, place them however you want, and decorate to your liking! This pond feature really brings a whole new element to your garden, and if you have dogs or little kids, they’ll really enjoy splashing around during the warmer months.
Stephie Smith
How fun, I love the end result. I've got a few used car tires that I've debated parting with, but I'll have to give this a shot. What a creative way to make use of older items, thank you for sharing. 422autosales.com
What's the point of the tires? Just dig three holes and then line them with the tarp. The tires serve absolutely no purpose other than just so you can say, "Look what I did with three old tires!" The tires are pointless.
Mr beavis
Ted, the tire will keep the edges neatly round and in place. Great if you like a completely round pool for that natural look.
Norma Jeanne
The water doesn't circulate? Won't it get stagnant?