Cheats are great aren’t they? We love learning new ways of doing things that will help to save time in the kitchen. I mean, even if you absolutely adore your time in the kitchen, learning a few time savers is always a good thing.
This post shows you an easy way to peel tomatoes and peaches. If you are canning this summer or just making a great peach pie then you want to know how to get those peelings off without taking forever. This will show you a great and fast way to remove those peelings.
You basically just have to drop them in boiling water and then transfer them to ice water. The peelings virtually fall off and you can get on with doing other things. The next time you start to bake a peach pie or anything that requires tomatoes or peaches, remember this little cheat. You’ll save loads of time in the kitchen and have more time to enjoy the pie when it’s done.
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