For her “yarn”, she used wool batting that she laid out in rows to get uniform thickness (this step alone took five hours, so you better be in it for the long haul if you want to make your own). She then rolled up the tubes so that she could wash (in the bathtub) and lightly felt them without causing any damage. After letting them air dry outside, she wound it all up and made her gigantic knitting needles from PVC pipe – practically the only thing big enough to knit this epic monster of a blanket. Then she knitted… More photos.
In her own words, “it took forever”, but “it was worth it”. I could not agree more! This gigantic blanket must be the ultimate cozy, snuggle buddy, and it looks freaking fantastic. Are you brave enough to give it a go? You can grab the pattern here: Giganto-blanket PATTERN.
Do you think you could crochet it???
I don't believe so.....Only if you could find something to use as a 'giagantic' crochet hook. Can't think of anything that would work.
I'm thinking you could use some rather large wire. Use a large piece, fold in half, then fold the end into a hook and wrap with something like florist tape or duct tape to sort of build it up. The nice thing with crochet is that the needle does not have to be long, just a big hook, so it might be easier to manipulate on your lap.
You could also use your hands for crocheting. Just slide your hand through each stitch and grab the yarn.
Hobby Lobby had some size 25 hooks. About $10.00 each
Jayne Cameron
I made a finger-knit scarf from 2" wide fleece. It curled into a tube. (I haven't tried to purl in finger-knit!) It's warm and unusual. Back to the ....finger knitting.
First, I need to make the blanket. Thanks!!!
too lazy or busy but surely one
How much wool batting did she use to make one blanket?
She says she sew the 5"stripes together then cut in half. Which Direction?
Does the mean she was kitting with 2 1/2 inch strips because she cut the 5" strips in half length ways?
How much wool batting was used ? Thank you !
Approximately how many pounds of rovin is used to make this blanket. I'm quite petite and just want an idea how heavy this would be. Thank you.
Hand crochet would work
This looks so comfy! I just found out about knitting extreme knitting patterns with PVC pipes and I think I'd like to try it. One of our readers over at AllFreeKnitting suggested it. 🙂 There's a little more info about using wooden dowels for jumbo yarn here too:
How on earth would you wash this!?! It would be impossible to lift out of the tub.