But the project above does require a steady hand, a lot of concentration, and some technical skill. There are some easier wall art projects you can try like this one with butterflies, but what about a painting project which anyone can do?
Well, I found it. Here it is:
All you have to do in order to complete this project is paint a lot of short lines in different directions with different colors of paint. Unlike the geometric wall art project, they do not have to be perfectly straight lines which are evenly spaced at just the right angles either. There are no hard rules here. You can pretty much do whatever you like.
The final result looks really cool and professional, like something you’d find on a museum wall! The bright, cheery colors look wonderful together. You could go with any color combination you wanted though and probably get an awesome outcome. So there you have it—even if you are not all that skilled with a paintbrush, you can pull this off and bring a pop of color to your walls!
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