Time is an interesting yet essential concept that’s helped us plan, govern and organize, well… life as we know it, I guess. Although we all mostly rely on our cellphones these days to tell the time, clocks remain staple pieces of useful décor in our homes. What I really love about a good clock is the fact that not only is it functional, but it’s a work of art too. So rather than shopping for a plain store-bought timepiece, or spending too much on an elaborate one, why not go ahead and make your own?
Bicycle Rim
My circle of friends is comprised of a number of cyclists, actually, so I’m really excited to have found this wonderful little gem; at least now I know what to make when the next few birthdays come around! The perfectly round rim serves as a fantastic blank canvas, so get those creative juices flowing and experiment a little.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – eHow and ThistlewoodFarms
Around the Globe
I love anything that reminds me of my traveling and how much more I still need to see of the world, so I’ve fallen head over heels for this wonderfully creative globe clock! Luckily, it’s a relatively quick and easy project. Now to find something cool to make with the unused half…DIY Instructions and Project Credit – instructables
Crochet Clock
Ok, so this project is more about giving a plain clock a makeover than it is about making your own from scratch, but I love it anyway – the pretty crochet blanket just brightens it up so well. The tutorial contains a link that’ll take you to the free pattern.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – RetroBaby
Outer Space
I’ve always been fascinated with space—my childhood room had all those glow-in-the-dark star stickers on the ceiling—so this one is right up my alley. As much as I love the photo of the moon, I think I’ll celebrate our little dwarf planet instead and use NASA’s recent fly-by image of Pluto.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – HelloBee
Everyone Loves Lego!
I will always be a Lego fan, regardless of my age, and I know there are so many others who feel the same. So whether you plan to make this for yourself or for your child, it’s a definite must! The really fun part is that, since you’re using Lego, you can change it up and customize your clock every so often.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – OurNerdHome
Wooden Starburst
I’ve always been a fan of the starburst style, so I can really appreciate this clever clock made from stirring sticks. It’s quite a cheap project too, so that’s always a good thing! You could, of course, spray paint the sticks if you want some color, but I quite like the raw wood look.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – FreckledNest
Mid-Century Starburst
If you like to keep things authentic, then this replication of a mid-century starburst clock may be exactly what you need to decorate your home. Although this requires a bit more carpentry work, it’s actually a really budget-friendly project.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Sawdust&Embryos
It’s Always Tea Time
As a tea-lover stuck in a coffee-lover’s world, I’ve taken a real liking to this teacup clock. The best part of this project will probably be the hunt for gorgeous teacups, and depending on what you find, your clock can be as vintage, retro or modern as you want it to be!DIY Instructions and Project Credit – VintageRevivals and Retropolitan
Photo Frames
This one is a double whammy because not only do you get a clock, but you get to display your treasured photos in a really clever way. Isn’t it genius? We actually have a whole collection of interesting ways to show off your photos so that your wonderful memories are always around you.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – SuccessfulHomemakers
Who Framed Who?
This is such an easy project, and just look at how gorgeous it is! I’m sure you’ll be able to snatch up the perfect pair of frames at your favorite thrift store. What I really like about this double-framed clock is the interesting look you get from the vintage style frames that are painted and repurposed in a modern way.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – TheHandMeDownHouse
Who would’ve guessed that a plain old plastic spoons could be used in such an artistic way? The individual gluing can be quite a laborious task, but the harder you work, the prouder you’ll feel of your amazing creation. Did you know that you can even make pretty roses from these spoons, too?DIY Instructions and Project Credit – That’sWhatCheSaid and Addicted2Decorating
Wooden Spoons
People can be really creative with spoons these days! I just love this bright and bold colorful clock, but if it’s a little too much color for you, consider using different shades of the same color, alternating two main colors or going for good old reliable ombre.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – ABeautifulMess
Paint Your Own
What’s the best way to create the ultimate clock that you’ve always wanted? Paint it yourself! I would never have thought of using a canvas as a clock face, but here it is! And as we know, with a blank canvas comes the freedom to paint or draw absolutely anything you want.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – JohnRWallace
Giant Tower Clock
I’ve always fantasized about living in one of those towers where the giant tower clock serves as a magnificent window. Since that isn’t really a reality, though, I can always do the next best thing and replicate the oversized clock to hang on my wall.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Epbot
I absolutely love the way that these book clocks turn out, but I have to admit, the thought of cutting into a book makes my stomach feel a little queasy. I’d suggest looking for damaged books that actually can’t be read anymore due to torn out pages, so that instead of ruining a perfectly good book, you’re giving new life to one that would otherwise be tossed.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – TheArtOfManliness and Instructables
Color Blocking
I know the color blocking trend isn’t quite as strong as it was a while ago, but I do still love this modern and abstract way of introducing some fun pops of color. I especially love the series of a couple of these clocks next to each other, so you can include other time zones, too.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Brit+Co
Recycled Magazine Pages
Do you have a stack of old magazines that you’re not quite sure what to do with? Well here’s the perfect project to reuse and repurpose some of those pages! Sure, the individual rolling may get a little tedious, but as long as you keep your eye on the prize, you’ll see that it’s totally worth it!DIY Instructions and Project Credit – RepurposeRelove
Happy Hexagons
What an innovative and unique project! I absolutely love this idea of piecing together individual hexagons to make this incredible puzzle-like clock. There’s a lot of room to play around with this since you can cover each hexagon in a different manner, and you can even use different shapes, like triangles or squares.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Owen’sOlivia
Minimalist Mountains
Minimalism can look so elegant in a home, and here’s the perfect example of that. You’ll need to get your hands on a scroll saw so if your garage isn’t full of power tools, start asking around for one to borrow. And of course, you can cut out practically any shape you want.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – SayYes
One for the Kitchen
If you need a clock for your kitchen, why not have fun with it and make one using kitchen tools like a plate and silverware? It looks amazing and it’ll be so well suited to its designated room! You can keep it plain so that emphasis is on the silverware itself, or go crazy and have fun with extra designs and color.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – TheBensonStreet
Ministry of Silly Walks
If you’re as big a Monty Python fan as I am, then you’ll know exactly what sketch this silly walk (legs) clock refers to. But even if you’re not so clued up on the comedy crew, it doesn’t take away from the awesome creativity of this brilliant clock.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – SillyWalkClock
No one loves donuts as much as Homer Simpson does, but you may be able to give him a run for his money with this playful donut clock. I just love the quirky and whimsical look of it, and it’s a great way to celebrate your favorite TV show without being too obvious about it… although I suppose Homer’s face as a clock could be quite cool too.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – WhyDon’tYouMakeMe?
Cement Clock
I’m a sucker for modern and industrial-looking items in the home, and I know that a lot of other people love this trend, too. So if you want some sleek, modern and minimalist, then all you need to do is get your hands on some rapid-setting cement.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – DIYFunIdeas
Vinyl Record
Without an actual record player, what good is an old record? Turning an old vinyl record into a clock is one of the easiest and cheapest DIYs out there, and plus, the retro look is on point. Have fun trawling through thrift stores to find a record of one of your favorite singers or bands, or see if the parents have any stored away in the attic.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – ApartmentTherapy
Melted Record
If the regular record clock is a little too boring for your taste, then here’s a cool way to amp up the interest – melt the thing in the oven! What you get is this really cool and surreal Dali-esque melted clock (The Persistence of Memory) that you can hook and hang right over your mantelpiece.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Instructables
Elegantly Simplistic
This has to be every minimalist’s dream; it’s just so chic and classic! This clock is made from a round chopping board (I love the solid thickness of the wood) which is then cleverly hung in place using a leather strap. I’m sure you can find an old belt somewhere in your closet.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – TheLovelyDrawer
Remarkable Retro
I just love it when people see things in stores or online and then decide “I can figure out how to make that myself!” This retro ‘50s-style clock is a great example of using your own creativity and logic to recreate something with your own personal flair.DIY Instructions and Project Credit – ModHomeEc
Where could I buy the clock inserts
maria dolores
I just typed clock mechanism kit on ebay and I found some.
Thank you maria Dolores
This might be my fake name
for the photo frame ones, you could use the pictures as time by having your childs pictures when he was 1 to 12 or maybe, you could use his/her birthday cakes when he was one to 12 also you could be really creative with that one
Wow is cute wall clock, thanks for ideas .Who is not familiar with the clock, a unique object of this one is so beneficial for human interaction hari.Jam functioned as a guide to perform a wide range of activities. These objects vary in color and shape are antique. visit the collection of antique clocks gudemeis.com for your reference