All you need to do is take a non-toxic highlighter and cut it open to remove the ink-soaked felt inside. Slice that tube open to release the ink and then just soak it in water for a while or squeeze the ink out if you want it to go quicker. Then you just need to put a UV light (black light) to it and it’ll light right up!
Although the highlighters are described as non-toxic, and despite what the video says, I definitely wouldn’t recommend drinking this.
If you want someone’s actual beverage to light up which they can still drink safely, just pour them a glass of tonic water and bring that to the UV light. The tonic water will light up on its own! Although the bright blue glow may make it look radioactive, we all know that tonic water is safe to drink. Tonic water contains a chemical called quinine that comes from the bark of a specific tree; this natural-occurring chemical has actually been used to treat malaria for centuries. Even though there is such a small amount of the bitter-tasting quinine dissolved into the water, when under a UV light, it emits a fluorescent glow all on its own.
Pretty cool, huh?
Use tonic water with quinine and it will do the same thing yet it is safe to drink.
ya, but if its not under blacklight will it still glow? whats the point if you cant use it w/out the blacklight?
Wow your really really good!!!???
Fadimatu abubakar
Wow I love this
that is amazing I so have to try it
I think you should also mention what is the science in it as i have a school project to do so please do it and one more thing dont take it negatively it is just a request and the experiment was superb ✌✌?????
How would you tell if the tonic water is tonic water from a blue highlighter?
cool is it a chemical change?
can you use it with out a black light you should also show the science init