We all love to save time and money. Really, anything that helps to make life easier is just the greatest thing ever. We’ve gathered a great collection of 25 Dollar Store hacks that will help you save time and money.

From easy and cheap ways to keep your laptop cooler to surprising uses for shower caps, we’ve got it all. You can visit the Dollar Store, spend a few bucks, and then come home and create these wonderful things that will make life easier. Imagine making your own pebble mat for just a couple of dollars or creating beautiful mirrored plant holders that will beautify your home and cost you less than five bucks for a set.
We have so many wonderful projects in this collection that will amaze you. There’s even a beautiful beaded chandelier that looks way more expensive than it really is.
Grab a chair, sit back, and get a good look at our amazing Dollar Store hacks. There is bound to be something in here that will save you money and make your life a little easier.
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- 1. Japanese Lanterns from Manila Envelopes
- 2. DIY Dry Erase Boards
- 3. Wood Grain Laptop Skin
- 4. Toddler-Proof Door Stopper
- 5. Magnetic Memo Boards
- 6. Cheap Crayon Holders
- 7. Drop Cloth Curtains
- 8. Beaded Chandelier
- 9. Shower Cap Food Savers
- 10. DIY Pebble Bath Mat
- 11. DIY Laptop Stand
- 12. Comfy Crochet Hooks
- 13. Zoo Animal Bookends
- 14. Mirrored Planters
- 15. Anthropologie Inspired Mirrors
- 16. Cheap and Easy Stencils
- 17. French Nail Tip Stencils
- 18. Zen Garden Shadow Box
- 19. Pool Noodle Garland
- 20. Hurricane Candle Holder
- 21. Adorable Dinosaur iPhone Tripod
- 22. $2 Dollar Store Charcoal Grill
- 23. Dollar Store Purse Lining
- 24. DIY Tile Table
- 25. Mini Terrarium
1. Japanese Lanterns from Manila Envelopes
You can create beautiful Japanese lanterns from cheap manila folders and a few bamboo skewers. Each lantern costs only about three bucks to make, and you may already have a few supplies on hand. With a little cutting and gluing and some decoupage, you can create gorgeous lanterns that you can use to decorate outdoors for summer parties or hang them indoors all year long. These are so easy to make, and the envelopes are only around a dollar for several. Plus, the bamboo skewers are really cheap, too. You will want to avoid folders that have logos printed on them unless, of course, you want those logos as part of your overall design.
2. DIY Dry Erase Boards
Whether you have little ones that love to draw or you need a dry erase board to help keep schedules in check, you can use cheap Dollar Store supplies to make them. You need a cheap picture frame, some scrapbook or contact paper, and a few dry erase markers. You can create this entire board for less than $5, including the markers. Now, if you don’t want to buy a scrapbook or contact paper (which is used for the backing design), you can just print off something to put in there. The glass of the picture frame is perfect for writing with dry erase markers, and it wipes off clean every time.
3. Wood Grain Laptop Skin
Imagine a beautifully designed laptop skin for around $1. Well, this is a Dollar Store hack post, so we’re absolutely going to show you how to cover your laptop cheaply. You just need a roll of contact paper, which is around $1 at most Dollar Stores. Be sure that you power down your laptop before you begin. You just have to unroll the contact paper, lay your laptop on it, and then cut around it, leaving a border on each side that you can fold over. You can cut a design out if you want or just leave it, and you don’t necessarily have to do wood grain. If you find another contact paper design that you like, just use that.
4. Toddler-Proof Door Stopper
Imagine having a house where your little ones don’t slam the door or get their little fingers caught when the door closes. For around $1, you can take care of virtually every door in your house. You just need a pool noodle (these things are so versatile!). Just cut off a piece of the noodle about six inches long and then cut halfway through it so that you have a hollow center. Then just stick it on the door, up where little ones can’t remove it. The door won’t close completely, so your little ones’ fingers will never get pinched again. You can get about 12 of these from one noodle.
5. Magnetic Memo Boards
You can create a lovely magnetic memo board with cheap Dollar Store supplies. You need a pack of two metal stove burner covers, or you can use a pizza plate, both of which you can find at the Dollar Store for around $1. You also need some ribbon, Mod Podge, and a few other supplies to customize your memo boards. Drill holes on one end of the plate or burner cover to add ribbon for hanging. You can decorate however you want, and the metal will be perfect for holding kitchen magnets, so you can leave those notes in style.
6. Cheap Crayon Holders
A popsicle tray is the perfect way to keep crayons sorted and put away. The trays only cost a dollar at the Dollar Store, and you can separate crayons so they are much easier for little fingers to find. Organize them by color, or just let the kids stuff all of their crayons into their new cases. The lids will even fit on, so you can store them in the trays all the time. This is actually a really neat idea for kindergarten and daycare classrooms. You can sort crayons by color and have each popsicle holder for a different color of crayon.
7. Drop Cloth Curtains
If you need rather large curtains but don’t have the budget to support covering several windows, head to your local Dollar Store and pick up a few drop cloths. Really. They make excellent curtains, and they are really cheap. In fact, it’s much cheaper to use drop cloths than to buy fabric to make new curtains, and you don’t have to spend nearly as much time creating them. Plus, drop cloth curtains look really elegant and can be used indoors or out. So, if you need curtains on the deck or porch, these are perfect. Not only do they cost very little, but they are very versatile and can withstand much more than ordinary fabric curtains.
8. Beaded Chandelier
You can make a beautiful beaded chandelier that is perfect for any room, and it will only cost you around $10. You’ll need a hanging wire basket that you can pick up at the Dollar Store for around $1. You also need some metallic beads, which are really cheap, some spray paint, floral wire, and a few other tools and supplies. Overall, this one will cost less than $10 even if you use several beaded necklaces to make it, and it looks great wherever you hang it. Plus, you can do it in any color that you want. Just buy beaded Mardi Gras-style necklaces in the appropriate colors.
9. Shower Cap Food Savers
Yep, these are food savers made from shower caps. This one isn’t really even a DIY project. It’s just a simple hack that allows you to cover those bowls that you don’t have lids for without spending a lot on those food savers that do the same thing as a cheap shower cap. Just stretch the shower cap out, and it will literally snap into place around bowls of all shapes and sizes. The best thing is that shower caps are really cheap at the Dollar Store, and they help you preserve foods that need to be stored in the fridge. You can also use them to tote foods to family functions and other out-of-home events without spilling.
10. DIY Pebble Bath Mat
Pebble bath mats are gorgeous, but they can be a little expensive, depending on where you get them. You can actually make one yourself using really inexpensive stones that you can pick up from your local Dollar Store. You’ll need a rubber welcome mat, four bags of river rocks, and some contact adhesive, all of which you can find at the Dollar Store. These pebble mats normally run around $30 or more each if you buy them in stores. However, you can make this one yourself for less than $10 from start to finish.
11. DIY Laptop Stand
Keeping your laptop cool is essential if you want it to last for a long time. Instead of buying those expensive stands that elevate your laptop (they can be fairly expensive), you can make one yourself for less than $5. You’ll need a couple of twisted gauge display easels, which are only about a dollar each at the Dollar Store. You also need a few rubber bands and a small piece of foam. This is such an easy laptop stand to make, and for just a couple of dollars, it’s a great solution for keeping your laptop cool without spending a small fortune on one of those more expensive stands.
12. Comfy Crochet Hooks
If you crochet much, you may notice that the hooks you use are really not that comfortable, especially if you’ve been at it for an hour or so at a time. Just a few dollars will allow you to upgrade all of your crochet hooks into much more comfortable tools for your favorite hobby. The solution? Pencil grips. Pencil grips are around a dollar each at the Dollar Store and you can use them to create great little holders for those crochet hooks that make them much more comfortable to use. These cost around $2 for each crochet hook, which is great considering the comfort that you get with them.
13. Zoo Animal Bookends
Plastic animals are great for toys, but they can also be much more useful as bookends. Seriously, the Dollar Store has these in packages of several for a few dollars. You can turn them into great bookends for the kids’ rooms or use them for yourself. Dogs, elephants, horses, and whatever animal you want can be turned into very stylish bookends, and the entire project takes very little time. You simply choose your animals, paint them and a few blocks of wood, and then assemble them. It’s easy and, best of all, it’s a really cheap way to display those books.
14. Mirrored Planters
With a few beveled mirrors, which you can pick up at your local Dollar Store for around $1 each or less, you can create beautiful mirrored planters. You simply have to glue four mirrors together and then sit a small planter down inside them. The mirrors hold together perfectly with a little hot glue, and they are absolutely gorgeous when you finish them. These would make wonderful gifts for the upcoming holidays, birthdays, or even weddings or housewarming parties. They cost less than $5 each to make, and that’s if you have to buy the hot glue sticks to hold them all together.
15. Anthropologie Inspired Mirrors
An Anthropologie circle mirror costs around $425. You can make your own version for around $25 from supplies that you can get at the Dollar Store. You’ll need about 15 small circle mirrors, which will cost you about $15. You also need spray paint, screws, paint can lids (which, incidentally, you can buy for less than 50 cents each), and a few other supplies that you probably already have on hand, like a hammer, nails, and a yardstick. This is a beautiful circled mirror that looks so much more expensive than it is. Only you will know that you didn’t shell out nearly $500 for it.
16. Cheap and Easy Stencils
Stencils can be expensive depending on the design that you want, but you can easily make your own out of Dollar Store supplies. These stencils only cost about 50 cents each, and you can use them in many different ways. If you are painting wooden furniture, for instance, you can use your homemade stencils to give it an elegant design. The stencils are made from plastic chopping boards, which cost $1 for two at the Dollar Store. So, depending on the size of your stencil, you can make at least two or perhaps several stencils from each $1 pack. Just print off the design that you want, stick it to the cutting mat with adhesive spray, and then cut out the design.
17. French Nail Tip Stencils
French nails are beautiful, but they can be difficult to achieve. Now, there are several French nail kits that will help you make those tips perfect, but they can be a little expensive. The solution? Garage sale stickers that you can get at the Dollar Store for about $1 a pack (and there are several in the pack). The stickers are round, which is perfect for creating French tips. You simply pull them off, place them on your nails so that the tips are uncovered and then paint your tips on. The stickers keep the polish from spreading to the rest of your nail, and you can use them over and over again or until they stop becoming sticky.
18. Zen Garden Shadow Box

Zen gardens are great for helping you to relax a bit. What if you had an entire Zen garden shadow box to hang next to your desk? You’d be relaxed and stress-free all day (well, maybe not all day, but you get the point). You’ll need four Zen garden sets to make a box, as well as a package of large river stones, clear spray paint, and a few other supplies like a hot glue gun. These boxes are gorgeous and would make wonderful gifts for anyone on your upcoming holiday shopping list. The best part is, they’re really cheap. If you catch the Zen sets on sale, they’re less than $4 each, so you can make one of these for less than $20.
19. Pool Noodle Garland

If you are looking for ways to decorate your backyard for summer get-togethers, this great pool noodle garland is perfect. It’s cheap, easy to create, and looks great hanging on the fence or deck. The best part is that that it costs only about three bucks, depending on the size of the garland that you want to create. You need a few pool noodles, which are around a dollar each, and a needle and thread. You simply slice the pool noodles into pieces about ½ inch thick and then string them together with your needle and thread. The overall cost will depend on how many noodles you use, and you can decorate your entire backyard for less than $10.
20. Hurricane Candle Holder
For about $4, you can make a beautiful hurricane candle holder complete with candle and river stones to give it a beautifully elegant look. You need a glass candle holder, a fluted glass bowl, a candle, and a package of river rocks, all of which cost around $1 each. Just hot glue the bowl to the top of the candle holder, and then add your rocks and candle. This is really a beautiful candle that is so cheap you won’t believe it, and it makes a wonderful gift if you have someone who seems to already have everything.
21. Adorable Dinosaur iPhone Tripod
You can sit that iPhone or iPod up in style if you have a plastic dinosaur and a few minutes to spare. You just cut a rather large plastic dinosaur in half, you need one that is hollow in the middle, and then create a really neat tripod. Once you have the end (and we do mean the end, as in the tail section), cut away, fill it in with caulking, and then stick a suction cup to the caulking and allow it to dry. The suction cup will keep your iPhone or iPod from falling over, and the dinosaur legs and tail help the whole thing to stand upright.
22. $2 Dollar Store Charcoal Grill
Ok, so it’s summer, and you really should be grilling. If you don’t have a grill, you don’t have to spend a fortune on one. You can make one for $2! Really! You need a cooling rack (like for cooling cookies on the counter) and a lasagna pan. That’s it. Just lay the rack over the lasagna pan after you’ve filled it with charcoal. You do want to be sure to put this on a sturdy surface, and you may only get one use out of the pan. This is the perfect charcoal grill for camping or fishing, though, and it’s really cheap.
23. Dollar Store Purse Lining
If you are crocheting or knitting a purse and you want a cheap lining, you can pick up a purse at the Dollar Store that is perfect and really cheap. These little purses are around $1 each, and they fit perfectly inside some handmade purses. This is a great hack for anyone who wants a quick lining for a handmade purse or someone who knits or crochets but doesn’t really want to sew the lining. Just make sure that you pick up a purse that will fit inside your handmade one.
24. DIY Tile Table
Imagine turning a boring old side table into something beautiful and seemingly expensive and for less than $20. You can pick up glass gems or stones at the Dollar Store for around $10 or less a package and use those to create a beautiful tiled design on any old table. You will need a table or two, a resin kit, some spray paint, and a few other supplies. This is a great project for sprucing up your home décor, and it only costs about $39 for two tables. If you have a few of the supplies already on hand, you won’t spend that much, and you’ll have two beautiful new tables.
25. Mini Terrarium
You can make a beautiful desktop greenhouse or terrarium from picture frames that you can get at the Dollar Store for less than $1 each. You’ll need relatively small frames unless you want a really large mini greenhouse. You will also need a few hours because this project is a bit time-consuming. The end result, however, is gorgeous, and it gives you a wonderful place to keep your orchids, ferns, or other plants happily nestled in their own little desktop hothouse. Use picture frames in whatever colors you want, or you could spray paint them before putting your greenhouse together.
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